Trinity- True or False

by defd 215 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ozziepost
    JWs generally don't think for themselves, especially concerning theology and the role of Christ in scripture. They have become so fixated on "Jehovah" and refuting "Christendom" that they miss so much.

    Ain't that the truth!

    It was several years back when I was confronted by that, i.e. the nature of christ, that I was led on my journey and found the road to real freedom.

  • Cygnus

    Rex, quite a while ago Joe sent me a cassette tape of a debate between him and I think Rob Bowman on the trinity. Bowman kept insisting that Joe was using Watchtower logic, when Joe wasn't. When Joe snail-mailed me his writeups on Watchtower errors, and the error of the trinity, I thought they had very valid points. I also like the way he interprets passages in context, taking into consideration what is being talked about. Like Colossians 1 and creation and Jude and the exodus from Egypt. Who cares what the commentaries say? I don't know you personally, Rex, you've always seemed like an okay guy with a sense of humor, but you go off the deep end in some of your posts.

    One final thought to LT, I'm not a Christian, in fact in many ways I think Jesus was a jerk (like a lot of us can be). I'm a non-believer in any commonly understood spiritual philosophy. I would hope that we could still be 'brothers.' :)

  • Cygnus

    : JWs generally don't think for themselves, especially concerning theology and the role of Christ in scripture. They have become so fixated on "Jehovah" and refuting "Christendom" that they miss so much.

    I guess I can't disagree with that. But in written word, Jesus is spoken of a lot and probably their best publication ever (minus the (certain and admittedly inserted) dumb JW doctrines) was The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.

  • Cygnus

    Oh, why can't I resist...

    : If Jesus had perfect knowledge of who he was (as per the WTS), how come he accepted it, since he was not glorified, nor king, at this point?

    I dunno. Maybe he had a lapse in judgment. Maybe it was given the thumbs-up by Jehovah. Maybe because of his perfect knowledge he knew he'd one day possess 'the divine quality' as an immortal, incorruptible god and figured hey, so I'm being 'worshipped' a little now, no biggie. Sorta like a rally for a presidential candidate who eventually gets elected. Damn it's 1:00am and I've been posting since 9:00.

  • ozziepost
    probably their best publication ever (minus the (certain and admittedly inserted) dumb JW doctrines) was The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.

    A bit subjective to say "best" but admittedly one of their most effective -- for causing so many dubs to question Dub practices.

    Those references to the pharisees were just priceless! So many of the R&F could see that what was being condemned applied so well to the elders!!

    It would be interesting to do a survey on that - come to think of it, I think I will!!!

    BTW I consider the "Commentary on James" to be 'better' than the other books they've produced.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • JosephMalik


    No need to apologize for the worship given the Son. Unless we can read minds, especially the minds of those long dead there is no way for us to determine exactly what they had in mind when they offered such worship. No one seems to mind the worship given to the LORD when He was represented by Angels that appeared to man in times past. Such Angels even used His Name when they appeared to such worshippers and they accepted such worship. Is this the way it was also intended to be understood in the case of our Lord who came in the name of the LORD? You know that the word worship has many acceptable uses as well as restricted ones so how were they used by such? As the promised Messiah and King of Israel such normal use of worship is fully scriptural and acceptable in His case. And as the one that was sent forth for this mission by the LORD to represent this LORD then such restricted uses or worship would be just as acceptable for Jesus as it was for the Angels of times past. It is that simple.


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