Channel C Decides to Stay Open !

by Amazing1914 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • IW

    To Ros, Penton, Jonsson, Whitney et al.

    My post on another board:

    "I am so happy to have been raised a JW, I would not have wanted it any other way. I am also happy to have left and see for myself the downright confusion and lack of love for the whole association of brothers that exists among prominant exJW Christians. The former taught me about Jehovah, his Son and the Bible, and how the teachings of men can, like a vine, wrap their way around your heart and choke off love for God and brother placing in its stead love for the Org. The latter taught me that good intentions do not a brother of Christ make. That to lead out your brother because you believe his religion is faulty is one thing but to abandon him to the anti-god wolves out there is worse than if you had just left him where he was in the first place."
    IW edited to add: I posted the above before noticing your last post, Ros. I will respond to your post forthwith.

  • binadub

    Well, Gary, here's how your logic strikes me:

    Alcoholics Anonymous requires that to join their meetings and participate, you must be an alcoholic (at least in their "closed" meetings), that's why it's "anonymous". So if I'm not an alcoholic, but I want to join their meetings, they're rejecting me personally.

    Sorry, Gary, I generally think you're pretty astute, but this time your logic doesn't wash.
    And I still don't understand why you even wanted to participate on the Christian discussion board. You're critical of faith.

    But if you are bent on taking it personally, so be it.

  • binadub


    Why don't you do something. You have indicated that I should do it differently. What do you do? Is is fair to criticize others for what they do if you're not doing something yourself? What good does it do to criticize here? How about starting a board that serves the exiting Witnesses the way you perceive the need?


  • IW


    "Christianity should not depend on Penton or Jonsson or Franz or Channel C."

    Yes, Ros, I am very well aware of that. Very well aware.

    I have no other comment to make on your post above. It serves no purpose to further discuss what neither of us can or will agree on.

    I hope all is well with you and yours,


  • IW


    Why don't you do something. You have indicated that I should do it differently. What do you do? Is is fair to criticize others for what they do if you're not doing something yourself? What good does it do to criticize here? How about starting a board that serves the exiting Witnesses the way you perceive the need?

    Ironically, Ros, I am doing something, I am doing the very thing that Penton and others have done. I am criticizing a religious segment without providing a way out to better pastures.

    How about if we turn your post around and put Penton's name in place of me and the Watchtower in place of you:

    "Why don't you, Penton, do something. You have indicated that the Watchtower should do it differently. What do you do? Is is fair to criticize others for what they do if you're not doing something yourself? What good does it do to criticize here? How about starting a board that serves the exiting Witnesses the way you perceive the need?"

    You see Ros, I do perform a valued function. One which follows in the great tradition of those Christian exJWs who "see" the Watchtower for what it is but feel no need to lead others to greener pastures. Call me an apple which has not fallen far from the tree or an apprentice to the great exJW Christian apologists.

    I fell in the mud, Ros. I did not stay a hallowed Christian and with my children go to a local church after the Witnesses. No, I fell Ros, and so did my children. I know exactly what that feels like and I know how very hard it is to come back from that. In a way, I don't know if one can ever fully recover. That's why I asked Jim Whitney to post his history with regard to his own feelings toward the Bible and Christ post Watchtower. I believe it could help some here struggling to return to some beliefs or those lurking and hurting.

    Good day to you, Ros.


  • binadub


    Then you need to realize that your particular pain is not everyone else's. We all had different pains in leaving the WT, and while you understand those who suffer like you, you don't understand those who suffer like me. My needs were different than yours. And there are many like me.

    If you're doing something for those who suffer as you did, good. I'm doing something for those who suffered as I did. My pain was different than yours. You are not my judge.

    Good day to you as well.


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