"Jehovah God" wording

by carla 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ellderwho

    lol @ firstinline!!

    Ask a dub where in the nwt(nt) does Jesus specifically come out and say to glorify the name Jehovah???

  • blondie

    JWs did not invent the phrase "Jehovah God." The word Jehovah has been used in regard to God in Christianity years before Charles Taze Russell appeared. The difference is the frequency that it is used. It wasn't until Rutherford appeared on the scene and wanted to distinguish those Bible Students that remained with him from the larger number that left by the 1930's did you find the publications and discourses peppered with Jehovah. This supported his move in 1931 to change the name from International Bible Students to Jehovah's witnesses. Looking at the WT publications before then and the ones after, it becomes very apparent that Rutherford was conducting a public relations event.

    Today you can find whole articles where Jehovah is barely mentioned. But they are non-study articles aimed at non-JWs. That is also the reason you will find the word "Jehovah" pretty much absent from the sample presentations given in the KMs and that JWs are discouraged from initially identifying themselves as JWs. That is strange because so often they say JWs give a witness just by being seen by the public out in the ministry. So if people already know they are JWs, how can they be concealing their identity by not mentioning who they are?


    km 1/03 p. 3 Presentations for Draw Close to Jehovahยท

    With Bible in hand, say: "Many people who believe in God would like to feel closer to him. Did you know that God invites us to draw close to him? [Read James 4:8.] This publication is designed to help people use their own Bible to draw close to God." Read paragraph 1 on page 16.

    With Bible in hand, say: "Today injustice abounds. It is just as described here. [Read Ecclesiastes 8:9b.] Many wonder if God even cares. [Read the first two sentences of paragraph 4 on page 119.] This chapter explains why God has permitted injustice for a time."

  • Sirona

    Hey Diamondblue,

    I hadn't had time to reply until now,

    Basically this is it..... the JWS believe in more than one god, even if they don't worship more than one. How can they explain it? I think the hardest thing to explain is how Jesus is "a god" but not the "true god" .....making him a "false god".


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