Service Meeting Schedule for Week of July 18, 2005

by TheListener 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TheListener

    Song 173

    10 min: Local announcements. Briefly consider the August 15, 2000, Watchtower page 32. Highlight the benefits of maintaining a regular program of daily Bible reading, even during vacation periods and at other times when we are out of our normal routine.

    15 min: "Conducting Progressive Bible Studies - Part 11." * Include a demonstration of a study conductor and a new publisher preparing to make a return visit. They review the initial call and select an appropriate point to share on the return visit. They also prepare a simple introduction and a question that can be raised at the conclusion of the visit. The demonstration concludes as they are about to rehearse the presentation they have prepared.

    20 min: Assist Others to Appreciate the Bible. Question-and-answer discussion based on the Worship God book, pages 24-5, paragraphs 3-6. Use the study questions provided in the book. Include comments on the brochure A Book for All People, page 32.

    Song 10 and concluding prayer.

    * Limit introductory comments to less than a minute, and follow with a question-and-answer discussion.

  • blondie
    maintaining a regular program of daily Bible reading, even during vacation periods and at other times when we are out of our normal routine

    That's assuming that the average JW maintains a regular program of Bible reading as part of the "normal" routine. JWs are lucky if the read the one scripture with the day's text.

    Progressive Bible Studies

    A "progressive" study means one that is at the meetings within 2 months, an unbaptized publisher in 4 months, and baptized by 6 months. None of these friending visit studies that go on for 8 years and the person hasn't been to the KH once.

  • willyloman
    a regular program of daily Bible reading, even during vacation periods and at other times when we are out of our normal routine.

    Workers -- even unpaid workers -- deserve some time off. That's why the concept of "vacation time" was invented. This is just one more of those things the WTS doesn't "get."

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Can't you just see one of those Corona commercials, you know the ones where you are looking over the shoulder of a couple of people in beach chairs looking at the ocean. In the WBTS's wet dream there would be a Watchtower and Awake on the table between the folks in the chairs.

  • anewme

    Big Dog, that was very funny!

  • minimus

    Doesn't reading the Service Meeting schedule suck? It's nearly the same thing every week. How about writing excerpts from the Our Kingdom Ministry, too??

  • anewme

    I havent seen a service meeting schedule in 4 years. Nothing has changed about it. Shudder! I can still feel the minutes tick by like hours. When they were over and I was sitting in a chair waiting for my elder husband to come out of a little room and I was the only one left sitting there at 9:50pm I wondered how much more of this can I endure?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Schedule for Subservient Meeting July 18 th 2005

    Song 173 (Theocratic) Love —A Pathetic Bond of Uselessness

    10 min: Local announcements. Briefly consider the August 15, 2000, Watchtower page 32. Highlight the benefits of maintaining a regular deception of daily Bible reading, even during vacation periods and at other times when we are out of our minds with happiness at being somewhere else but home.

    15 min: "Conducting Possessive Bible Studies - Part 11." * Include a demonstration of a study conductor and a new publisher preparing to make a return visit. They review the initial call and select an appropriate point to cram down the return visit’s throat. They also prepare a lengthy introduction and a question that can be raised at the conclusion of the visit as the householder slams the door. The demonstration concludes as they are about to rehearse the astonishment on their faces at the question from the return visit about the WTBTS’s UN NGO status.

    20 min: Assist Others to depreciate the Bible. Question-and-answer domination based on the Worship God book, pages 24-5, paragraphs 3-6. Use the study questions provided in the book. DO NOT use your own mind, just the questions provided. Only accept answers word for word from the publication. Show the benefit of highlighting the correct sentences and reading them verbatim from the book. Include prejudicial comments on the brochure A Book for All People, page 32.

    Song 10 Be Steadfast, Unreasonable! and concluding prayer.

    * Limit introductory comments to less than 40 minutes, and follow with a lengthy question-and-answer discussion based on questions that you make up which mostly are on some weird ass tangent.

  • upside/down


    u/d (of the wishes I was that clever class)

  • greendawn

    "Assist others to appreciate the Bible" that is in the way that the WTS understands it and which is almost always wrong and keeps changing over time.

    The amateurish and incompetent leaders of the WTS have a lot to learn on how to correctly deal with the insiders before they seek to instruct the outsiders.

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