The Jehovah's Witnesses Reformation Movement

by Kenneson 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    In some ways the WTBTS is not afraid of change . They change doctrine all the time with the new light old light system they debunk some of their own conclusions . The hard part apparently is convincing those that are hood winked and thoroughly brainwashed that their leadership is about as consistant as the weather in texas ( which is very inconsistant ) . LOL

  • jgnat

    True, Rod, the WTS won't have their leadership threatened this way. It could very well trigger a witch-hunt. Which in my mind, if it is extensive enough, could result in a major blow to the organization, one from which they may not be able to recover. The smart will be watching, and start preparing their own exit. The weak will be watching, and cower deeper in their holes. In any case the organization will lose a whole 'nother layer of good people.

    There is one doctrine, Heathen, that the WTS considers invoilate. The Orthodox Christians have their Nicene Creed, and the WTS has Matthew 24:45-47. That one doctrine that defines the JW's is that the GB cannot be questioned. This handy little group discreetly challenges THE one doctrine that can bring them down.

  • Gozz

    Good site. Very good for proper JWs already thinking about the ills of the JW religion. And, as jeffcake wrote, would be extremely more useful to the regular JW simply questioning their beliefs. It appears that many of us forget too soon: it takes a quantum leap of sth greater than mustard-seed faith for a JW questioning his/her belief to read the everyday discussion topics on this site and not almost exit immediately. Is there a section here for "new" JWs already? Sites like and (down at this very time) are good for introductions to what's wrong with the JW religion; JWD 'll be better as they ease out of the JW mindset.

    Good site, that one; anything that gets a JW thinking; and nothing better than people who're on the inside.


  • Gozz

    Allow me to predict what would happen if this group with their signed petitions tried to pull a "95 thesis" like Martin Luther did against the Catholic Church. The WBTS/GB would make the "Diet of Worms" look like a boy scout picnic, by comparison.

    I predict that they would take that list, hunt everyone down, and disfellowship every one of them. There would be a total housecleaning amongst the various congregations. That petition list would just make their job easier, because they would know exactly who to pursue and take the necessary action. It is possible they might give them one warning first, and if they do not back off, then the will proceed with the Disfellowshipment.

    They simply must keep "Jehovah's Organization" clean, and this is rebellion and apostasy pure and simple!

    I just don't think they would be intimidated by a class action pressure tactic. They would be the ones that would be to blame, not Jehovah's inspired leadership. This is a "Theocracy" Dictatorship in the name of God, and the "collective will" simply does not count.

    Rod P.

    That would be a good thing! It'll all the more point to the vengeful nature of the JW religion leadership. And a good reason why those not in any position to be threatened should sign up on the petition. They've a target of 100, 200; it'll be interesting to see Brooklyn's reaction; the sooner they started a crackdown, the better.


  • heathen

    Yah they can claim to be faithful and discreet all they want but in reallity have proven the opposite . There is also the evil slave that I think is more appropriate for them . They continued to blame the RandF for not doing their part for quite some time so then the countless guilt trips and the demand for more and more whilst calling those that stand up to them the evil slave . What a demented lot they are . They caused thousands of people misery in malawie while rufusing to pay a lousy 25 cent tax ( granted a government that would rape and beat you over that aint worth either ) They owe the french government alot of back taxes on property and book sales they very sneakily teamed up with false religion in law suits that caused their change in placement policy then they up and saddle the UN beast as an NGO without any exsplanation or justification outside the need for a library card . Now how long can they continue to hide these facts ? It's completely absurd to even consider them as competent .

  • DannyBloem

    Yeah a reform would be welcome if they change everything completely to the opposite.
    Anything less won't do for me

  • M.J.

    Oh crap! That site is good!

    check this out!

  • Tigerman

    So, after everybody kisses, hugs and cries and tells one another what a f . . . .ed up religion the WTS is and decide to accept the " Movement" and in the process forgive everyone for the years of abuse against thousands of people, what happens?

    Some of you people are truly pathetic! And you know who you are.

  • stillajwexelder

    The authority structure may be summed up as follows:

    Governing Body


    Branch Committees


    District Overseers


    Circuit Overseers




    Ministerial Servants, Pioneers, Congregation Publishers

    So Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, Monseigneur, Priest, Congregation laity - I truly can not see what the difference is

  • heathen

    Yah you got that right stilla . I've noticed myself the catholic church and the WTBTS are very compatible . I think you missed the president of the WTBTS as being equal to the pope . The main difference would be that the WTBTS is a publishing corporation . They have bethel brooklyn or patterson the catholic chuch has the vatican . LOL The members love to take tours of these facilities .

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