What do you think the main guilt trips are in the jws?

by misguided 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • misguided

    greendawn asked this question at: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/94462/1604122/post.ashx#1604122 (hope I did that right)

    I think this question deserved a thread of its own.


    P.S. I hope that's ok, greendawn

  • PaulJ

    I felt like I was leaving Jehovah when I left the 'truth'. I felt like I had let him down. That would be my vote- they make you believe they are the only way to worship God.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Lately, their main guilt trip is:

    "One must do MORE meeting attendance, MORE preaching, MORE Bible studies. MORE, MORE, MORE!!!"



    I would have to agree with paul, they try to make you feel like you are blaming god and the congregation when in fact your blaming the elders and decide to do things a different way.

  • Ellie

    I think if you have kids they make you feel guilty by telling you that you are taking away their chance to live forever.

  • undercover

    Growing up it was that Armageddon was coming soon, very soon, before I finished school even. If you don't serve God with all your heart you will die a horrible death as shown in the books and mags. It'll be awful, the agony and then....death...eternal death. And then your family won't see you in the new system. You'll be gone forever and ever while they live forever, happy and fulfilled.

    Later as an adult it was the pressure to do more. Nothing was ever enough. The more you did the more that was expected of you. A CO one time said if you're not doing everything absolutely possible serving God then why bother? I decided he was right and quit.

  • Legolas

    I agree when I left last month( I can't remember the exact words that were said) but one elder and a friend said something like I WAS LEAVING JEHOVAH! I said NO I wasn't ...I was leaving the ORGANIZATION!!!

    They do try to make you feel that you are leaving GOD. Someday they will answer for that!!!

  • Elsewhere

    For me it wasn't so much guilt as fear of what would be done to me.

    I did have a few quilts though... at the time I wanted to leave the bOrg but did not want to disappoint my grand parents so I waited a few years hoping they would die before I left. Unfortunately there seems to be longevity in my family.

    The other guilt was I was still programmed to not "bring reproach on Jehover's Name"... this is the only reason I chose not to kill myself. Sadly ironic.

  • Momofmany

    I can't agree more with what has been posted. You are either leaving Jehovah, or you're condemning your children to death. Or if you lost a child, denying them the opportunity to be resurrected.

    When I talk about the society to my Mom, she says, don't talk against my god. I tell her, I'm not talking about god, I'm talking about the society. She believes that they are one and the same sometimes. (other times, she will disagree with a "new light", but that's ok.)

  • Crumpet
    The other guilt was I was still programmed to not "bring reproach on Jehover's Name"... this is the only reason I chose not to kill myself. Sadly ironic.

    (((((( Elsewhere))))))

    I felt the same - I got myself disfellowshipped so quickly because I didn;t want to bring reproach.

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