How did you get the "troof"?

by dorayakii 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • GetBusyLiving

    My mom's brother died in a car accident and, wouldnt you know it, two Jay-Dubs show up on her doorstep a couple weeks later. They get baptised in '76. I was born in '77. Hence the twisted and damaged cult survivor you see before you.


  • dorayakii
    Sorry to be distracted from the main point of your post - ie Zadie Smith being your cousin. I'm glad you explained this because when I read that book I was so annoyed at how JWs were presented in it. I thought it was completely wrong, but understanding that these did not come from Zadie's own experiences but rather those of her mother - it does make more sense. The books so angered me I nearly wrote to tell her so!

    yeah, it was kinda funny the way she describes certain things, not quite so accurate but touching nonetheless. I think for an ex-JW its a bit strange to read because we know first hand exactly what dubs are like and we may focus on the inaccurate details, but for a complete outsider its readable and not so far-fetched. I like ur new avatar by the way crumpet.

    i was emotionally abused into it

    yeah tetra, when i look back it was kinda like that, and even though i NEVER complained and had no reason that was sustainable in a court of law to complain. However, my parents still tried to make me feel guilty for even thinking any negative thoughts toward my upbringing. They used to say, "oh how Jehovah has blessed you for being born into this family... you have a roof over your head, food on the table everyday... and a banquet of spiritual food... some people have to go through abuse at home, but you? ooooh no... you have it sooo easy... i wish i had YOUR upbringing... " etc etc etc.

    Comments like that always made me feel so angry, but i had no excuse to get upset because i was provided for... It went on and on and ON, my parents thinking that they were perhaps helping me by pointing out my jackpot of luck and fortune, but they were really pushing me away by making me feel worthless, making me feel like it was all there for me on a silver platter and that i had nothing to offer anyone apart from the freakin' Good News of the Kingdom.

    It had damaged me a bit emotionally because i was never allowed to be independant and never learnt anything practical, until i deliberately broke away for a short time... I never really had anything you could call a relationship with my parents, and the only time i spent with them was out on the field ministry. They are clones who rarely disagree on anything and have no personality and even to this day i'm not very good at really feeling anything, apart from sadness.

    The borg drone analogy is soooo apt... alt

    Thanks for all your stories. They're very ............ ............ encouraging?...... upbuilding?...... oh, forget it!

  • dorayakii

    i'm off to the book study at the Hall now, so i'll read more stories when i get back. Its a "special week of activity" with a trainee Circuit Over-queer, our usual c/o and their respective trail-along wives...

    because its the c/o visit and all the elders are on their toes, i've got to try and avoid the Presiding Over-queer before he decides to appoint me by holy spirit as a ministerial servant right there and then... and i've gotta avoid the rest of the Body of "idlers" who will want to give me more and more "privileges" for just sitting in a corner doing nothing...

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    someone installed a chip in my brain. then some asshole apostate removed it, and IM DOOMED!!!


  • RichieRich

    In San Angelo Texas in the early 60s, My grandmother started studying when she had just had her second child, my mom. My grandfather opposed, and divorced her. Of course the local friends told her they would help, but once the divorce was final, they dropped her like she was hot.

    Then she moved to NC, where she raised her 2 daughters alone. One got smart, and is now happily married and has 2 kids. One stuck with it, and "got weak" and married my dad. He was the manager of a local KFC, she was the Assistant Manager. How sweet.

    Despite difficulties, shes stuck with it, and raised her lovely son in the crap for seventeen years.

    Always a strong publisher, he's been known for his rebelious streak. Recently he was put on public reproof, and fell in among Apostates.

    Sadly, he Disassociated himself next year.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    I was infected in 1974 when a B.ORG drone name Sherman began a buy-bull study with me, I met him and his co-hort Mark, who became my best friend in ha'screwl, who shared with me a love for Sci-fi and a disturbing ability to seperate his sci-fi writing from his JW beliefs.... it was like he really wanted the star trek universe to be the real one.... but he is still a JW to this day as far as I know...

    Sherman was an odd JW, ghetto black, carried nun-chucks[?] and evetually went into the navy.... DA'd by force.

    the infection lasted for a good many years until my rebellious streak forced me to see inconsistancies and discover lies and excuses to leave.

    thankfully it won.

  • talesin
    even to this day i'm not very good at really feeling anything, apart from sadness.


    I understand. It's natural, you are grieving a loss ... one that will not hit you fully till you get started on your new life. But it's okay, one day soon, you will feel it all, the pain and the glory, as they say ,,, and the sadness over this loss will lessen, replaced by the full range of emotion. "It's life, English!" (from my fav movie, Farewell to the King, watch it, you won't forget it, ever).



  • dorayakii

    well, i succesfully escaped from presiding over-queer's minsterial servant recruiting frenzy... i know they're gonna be talking about me in 2moros elders' meeting, the watchtower over-queer told me... at this rate, how many years do you think it'll take me to achieve district over-queer?

    thanks for the kind words tal, thats why i love coming to JWD... there's no where else i can talk about stuff like this... the last month has turned out to be quite a catharsis...

    congratulations on getting DA'd next year richie, lol, you joker...

    that Sherman fellow seems like a shady charater zenN... i just love this borg analogy...... "infected in 1974", hehe


  • Carol

    The way my mother tells it....she read the bible a great deal and prayed for direction in her life...when I was under 2 the JW's knocked on the door. She wanted to study, but my father told her if she did he would take me away from her and let his father and step-mother raise mom didn't study. Within 5 years of my birth there were 3 of us, my mother became very depressed....even thought about taking her she prayed and prayed for direction...and called one of the local JW's...they came, studied....she gave up smoking and was baptised within months.....the rest is history. At 9 it sounded pretty neat! Was baptised as 13, pioneered, etc., etc., etc.

    Wised up faded and happier than I've ever been!


  • the_classicist

    I was assimilated also. As far as I know, my great grandmother was a JW and it passed on since her to make a family full of 'dubs.

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