Women, girls, ladies -- 5 biggest "turn on's" / "turn off's"

by logansrun 82 Replies latest social relationships

  • upside/down

    So where were all of you when I was a single monkey?

    u/d (of the married the first pretty Dub that came along as pickins were slim class)

  • Maverick

    Well, Runner I see you are in good form.

    Let Mav tell ya the facts young man.

    Don't talk too much!

    Don't talk about sex, even if she brings it up, it's a trick and she wants to see how big a dirt-bag you are.

    Don't talk about how great you are...at everything, her BS-o-Meter is highly tuned to pick up your total load of happy-crap!

    LISTEN, LISTEN, shut up and LISTEN

    Repeat the line above. What, are you not paying attention?

    Keep your hands to yourself, let her set the pace...oh did I mention you should listen to her?

    I know this is real deep and you might forget, Hell I still do all the time, it's a guy thing. So read this everyday!

  • Crumpet

    Maverick - you DO know what you are talking about - and are spot on!

    LISTEN, LISTEN, shut up and LISTEN Repeat the line above. What, are you not paying attention? Keep your hands to yourself, let her set the pace...oh did I mention you should listen to her?

    Mr Crumpet enchanted me because he listened to me for a good 14 hours on the night I met him until I lost my voice. Then he dropped me home and I thought I'd never see him again, but he rang a few hours later and took me out to dinner. My voice was completely gone and so I could only smile and look pretty and listen to him over dinner, while he laughed heartily at my squeaky noises!

    Humour and listening - spot on! 7 and a bit years on and he still listens although he keeps his hands to himself more regularly than I would wish! LOL!

  • Abaddon

    It would semm turn-ons are, on average;

    • Considerate
    • Funny
    • Smart
    • Honest
    • Confident

    ... and turn-offs.

    • Smelly
    • Dishonest
    • Boring (includes materialistic)
    • Insecure
    • Needy

    Nothing puts a woman off quicker than thinking a guy is desperate...

    ... are an 'average' as far as I have descerned.

  • Ms. Whip
    Ms. Whip

    Turn Ons -

    1. long hair
    2. quick wit
    3. charm
    4. intelligence
    5. hard to get

    Turn Offs -

    1. know it all
    2. anger
    3. selfishness
    4. liar
    5. low self esteem
  • Crumpet

    Abbaddon - I don't think you needed this to know what a woman wants. From your posts I reckon you are pretty clued up mate!

  • kls

    Just thought of a turn OFF ,guys that spit just totally turns me off especially when i step it in

    For those guys it's monkey poo on you

  • chrissy

    Ok, since it is purely research...

    Turn-ons: Sincerety, intelligence, good sense of humor, open mindedness, and as far as physical features go... woman are turned on by the masculine form in general, so other than that..pretty eyes can certainly be nice to look at, warm smiles, etc.

    Offs: Unhealthy egos, taking ones self too seriously, materialism, insincerety...all that comes to mind.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Looks like I'm growing a goatee for the next apostafest..


  • kls

    Looks like I'm growing a goatee for the next apostafest..


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