Englishmans BBQ

by katiekitten 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • katiekitten

    No one else will be up yet, let alone have access to the internet, so let me be the first person to thank Englishman and her Ladyship for being WONDERFUL hosts, at what was the event of the year.

    I met so many brilliant people and had a fantastic time. Englishman has a lovely family, and shame on him for tempting an old lady like me with such handsome young sons.

    Crumpet is a charming, beautiful, lady, who just needs a mum to love her like she deserves to be loved. I applied for position as big sister, and ive got my fingers crossed, I think im a pretty strong candidate. Will let you know if I get accepted.

    Of course im not going to spill the gossip, because im having a rare discreet moment, but BOY was there some gossip to spill!!! The only thing I am willing to reveal is that Englishman can ignore the telephone message I left him at 4pm Saturday afternoon, but YES I did go to the wrong house, and YES I did leave three bags of groceries and drink in someone elses back garden, and YES I did have to go back later and collect it when I finally realised where Englishmans house was.

    Thank you so much to everyone who entertained me, and humoured me, and put up with me, and got bored of listening to me, and still smiled and made it such a fantastic day.

    And thank you to the person who gave me the 'trench back and sides' joke. I promise to pay royalties if I ever use it on the Working Mens Club circuit. Big sigh.

  • ozziepost

    I missed it.........again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • iggy_the_fish
    but BOY was there some gossip to spill!!!

    You, madam, are no better than a common tease!


  • katiekitten

    Thats what all the men say.

  • iggy_the_fish

    Can you at least tell me the trench back and sides joke?


  • stillajwexelder

    Dish the Gos please

  • iggy_the_fish

    Where are my manners this morning? I hope everyone had a splendid time, sounds like it was a great party. Take it easy this morning y'all.


  • katiekitten

    the trench back and sides joke is only funny if you have been drinking for 7 hours straight, and have been walking for 2 hours looking for a chippy, and its 2 o clock in the morning, and you are with someone REAL cute and you are whispering so as not to wake the neighbours. THEN its very funny. Otherwise, im not sure if it stands up to translation.

    Big Sigh.

    You will have to wait til the other chaps and chapesses wake up, get home and log on to get the low down!

  • iggy_the_fish

    (waits patiently at computer, hoping for a few crumbs of gossip to fall from the aposta-bbq table)


    (reads paper, sips coffee, waits on....)

  • blondie

    I can wait after all I waited 40 years for Armageddon.

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