Let him go!!!

by jeanniebeanz 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeanniebeanz

    Alright, whoever has Brummie tied up has to let him go immediately!! Don't make me come over there!!

    There are too many good people not posting lately...


  • jeanniebeanz

    Am I the only one who noticed? <sigh> Are there people you miss? J

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    yeah.... me too.... I miss dat puddy cat ..... ( < just not the same )

  • Satanus

    I noticed too, but i didn't say anything cus my cat often distracts me, causing me to lose my train of thought. Maybe brummie checked himself in at the vets for hair ball removement therapy.


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I'm a newbie, but I have been learning from all of you "OLDIES". j/k I appriciate especially when you tell us that there is a problem poster.

  • Elsewhere

    Muahahahaha!!! I'll never let him go!!!

  • jeanniebeanz

    Elsie, you evil, evil thing!! Whatever *are* you doing to that poor little pussycat? *faints*

    *recovers* *places call to National Guard*

    Yes, National Guard? I'd like to report a case of animal abuse in Texas. No, this is not a joke! Alfalfa is beating up a British cat! I fear an International incident. Go quickly!!

    *hears laughter followed by a loud 'click'* Fine! Alright, Elsie...you've gone and done it now...I'm on my way to Texas you fiend. *wonders what they are wearing in Texas these days*

  • greendawn

    Who is Brummie by the way? In England Brummies are the people of Birmingham (Brummagem of old)

  • jeanniebeanz

    Really? I didn't know that. lol Learned something new today...

    Brummie is a very nice person from your neck of the woods, so to speak. Right now, he's in school and probably up to his neck in alligators (term papers and such) so I know he is busy. Still miss him. Hope he can take his fuzzy little whiskers out of those books for a while and pop in for a hello!

    Also haven't seen Just Tickled Pink for a while nor French Babyface... :(


  • lonelysheep

    Brummie..where are you? And AlmostAthiest!

    I was about to say BlueBlades, but I see he started a thread today.

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