Dad's and daughters...

by Frog 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai

    Oh man!! I can't Imagine. I'm the father of a very independent 3 yr. old. I can barely stand to be away from her for a day, and I'm like "Come here and give daddy a hug!" Or " Let's go to the park!" And she'll be like, "No, I wanna go do something else!!", and it just kills me.

    Your dad needs to get off his ass. And go to the park with his daughter. I dont care how old you are. Or I'm gonna come adopt you. that's just not OK. You can never outgrow your daughter. I will kick any dad's ass that does. Dammit

  • Netty

    Good for you Froggie! Nice when good things like that happen. I had an email pop up from my dad (who never uses email at all) when I was online, (here actually ). It just said Love you, mom and dad. I wrote him back right away "love you too". I know what you mean, feels good after all we have to go through.

  • greendawn

    It's great to see that some parents at least don't follow the WTS order to shun their children just as it is sad to see that Sass's family has been divided by the borg who turned children against parents because they took her side.

  • alw

    Lovely to hear that your Dad is keeping in touch - you'll be able to share your uni results with him!! Thinking of you - alw

  • mtbatoon

    My first job in life is being a father to my two daughters. They're at the age now where they freely comment on my weight, grooming and clothes, but my main arsenal of “your hair looks nice today” or “ that's a pretty dress” still fire true every time. A kiss goodbye every morning, a hug when I come home from work and a kiss good night.

    The father daughter relationship is a very special one and I shall regret the day I am no longer the only male in their life. When that time comes I will treasure the memories and be there for them and support them in anyway I can. After all they're the ones who are going to be paying for the old folks home and I want a good one. I know that they are going to go one day but I thank them both for teaching me what women are day by day.

    I can't fathom the shunning that I read about on this board between a father and daughter. Part of the father daughter packed is to be there for them whatever. I wish all the women here who are currently shunned by their dads could have an hour alone with them to hold them and once again be their little girl, the princess that they are charged to care for. As a father, out of all the wicked things the org do I see breaking the bonds between father and daughter to be the most despicable.

  • HappyDad
    can't fathom the shunning that I read about on this board between a father and daughter. Part of the father daughter packed is to be there for them whatever. I wish all the women here who are currently shunned by their dads could have an hour alone with them to hold them and once again be their little girl, the princess that they are charged to care for. As a father, out of all the wicked things the org do I see breaking the bonds between father and daughter to be the most despicable.

    I agree 100%


  • blondie

    Just remember that for some of us on JWD, the hope of any happy relationship with our father is slim and none. My father is the unrepentant molester/rapist of all his children. He has slipped through the WTS radar and is out there in some congregation, visiting other congreations as we speak. He is a true pedophile who has only excuses for his actions.

    Some days I wish my father were dead just so I don't have to answer any questions about whether I have one or not. Lately, I say he's dead.


  • lisavegas420
    I wish all the women here who are currently shunned by their dads could have an hour alone with them to hold them and once again be their little girl, the princess that they are charged to care for.

    Once again? I don't remember the first time...


  • mtbatoon

    Blondie, I do realise that. Every time I log on I realise that there are people on this board who make the problems of others seem petty by comparison. I've read many of the accounts of child abuse from this site and others, not so I can understand it or put it into perspective or to sort it out. I read them because you and others like you have the courage to put them there.

  • Mary

    Frog, I'm glad you heard from your dad........if he's a fence-sitter, always keep the lines of communication open cause you never know when the wind will tip him in your favour...........

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