The Star Spangled Banner

by rebel8 151 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeanniebeanz

    *psst, Merry? I don't know who told you that was a flag, but, um... it's actually a teeny tea towel... Have you been losing weight?*

  • MerryMagdalene

    (Roused to consciousness by fierce b!tch-slapping that knocks her dark glasses off *note to self: never again interrupt a lengthy political discussion that has religious overtones and a sports motif*)

    (Is surprised to discover a fresh and painful "Apostate Wh*re" tattoo above her left breast)

    (But is mollified by the sight of those "gentlemen" still present saluting her tea-towel flag)

    ~Merry (of the "alls well that ends well" class)

  • Princess
    She's a can change daily...and often does. And she gets "pissed" when I don't it's an effort on my part. She will just say out of the blue..."So what do you think?" and I get that deer in the headlight look... I truly don't know and am askeeered! lol!

    You are not alone. I quit asking awhile back. He NEVER notices or at least is smart enough to not say a word. The one time he did it was something like "I was wondering who the blonde in the driveway was". FYI, it's a bit on the blonde side right now but I'll darken it up a bit come fall. He won't notice but says he prefers it darker...yeah right.

  • rebel8
    Its the attitude guys.If some goodish looking person walks down the steet and shouts out "look I'm so good looking," we would all take the piss.

    You quoted me saying there was a flag on 1 out of 20 homes I saw, then said the above in response to it. To me, that implies you believe I was bragging by saying there were flags on a small percentage of houses. I don't understand that. There is apparently a miscommunication here, because what I said and what your said in your response seem to be on 2 totally different topics.

  • LittleToe

    Don't lose any sleep over it, it doesn't have to make sense - he's Welsh!!!

    Maybe some folks have so lost contact with their British roots that they don't realise that we all take the p*ss out of one anothers countries, over here (and have done for centuries - maybe that's something the Puritans didn't take with them ). We do it until it hurts, and then do it some more.

    Welcome to the international community...

  • jeanniebeanz

    *thwacks LT*


  • LittleToe

    Ooooh, baby - that hurt real good

    Do it again,. do it again!!!

    LT, of the "international masochist" class.

  • jeanniebeanz

    *threatens spanking if current attitude does not improve*

  • LittleToe

    Gawd that turns me on!!!

    "Ooooh, say, can you see......"

  • tijkmo

    im an englishmen in an american's skin with a welsh accent living in scotland

    i want to break free-ee

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