Pay, Salary etc

by ballistic 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Eric

    Company I worked for (huge multinational) instituted a privacy policy that covered wages.

    Reasonable for a company to do such, and it assists anyone who doesn't want such info divulged without their say-so.

    Local management turned it against the people it was meant to protect with an edict that made talking about your pay with others a forbidden thing.

    Bullshit, we said. Misuse of policy.

    The manager's office had a glass window that looked out on the shop floor. One payday several of us, (not all of us, but enough that they couldn't act) stood out infront of his window in a nice tight circle with a rehearsed silent act. Went something like this:

    Pull Paycheques from pockets on que with a >snap<

    Open Paycheques with a stroke >rrip<

    View personal Paycheque and wait one >beat<

    Pass Paycheque left, wait one >beat<

    Pass Paycheque left, wait one >beat<

    Repeat until circle complete, break-up and go to work as normal.

    Never heard a thing about the pay rate thing again.


  • jimakazi

    Go to an empolyment agency, and find out what the market is offering. Also check out your companies policy on 'pay for performance'.

    Then you have 3 options:

    [1] Get a new job with another company at the market rate.

    [2] Use the information to justify a pay rise [I did this and got $20K in one year] with your current employer, if he up's the salary great, if not go back to options [1].

    [3] Do nothing and let it affect your work - the worst option of all.

  • Frog

    private companies suck for this. Usually happens when you come in on a low level entry position and work your way up the ranks. They meter out a payrise to you every six months and you get really excited, but then they employ outsiders and pay em' more! This happens everywhere and it really sux. I suggest you should make a stand at your next review, provided that your feel you've got good legs to stand on with the quality of your work, and tell them you've heard that the new starting salary is over and above what you're being paid, and you'd like to clarify your personal worth to the company.

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