New Book? "What Does the Bible REALLY Teach?"

by Cameron 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheListener

    Welcome JoeGeneration. I found your post informative, but a bit small of font.

  • undercover

    The Knowledge book is the primary book studied before baptism. The Knowledge book, being published prior to 1995, still has the old generation teaching still intact. With this new book, the generation teaching will have been changed or not even mentioned.

    It will be interesting to see in a few years just how little 1914, 1919 and the word "generation" will be mentioned in WTS publications. They will probably try to just slowly drop those ideas and teachings and plead ignorance about it than ever admit to being mistaken. Kinda like Jesus arriving in 1874, Armageddon in 1914, 1918, 1925 or even the generation teaching.

    Currently they are still practicing their typical WTdoublespeak. The publications may be dropping certain phrases and teachings, but in talks and conventions they still drop the date bombs right and left. At the one session I attended at the convention, 1919 was mentioned three times. It was specifically stated that Jesus' inspections came in 1919, blah, blah, blah.

    What's bad about this is people will study the new bland book which makes little or no mention of dates or prophecies, get baptized and then sit zombie like as speakers indoctrinate them with manuscripts from the WTS which is laden with the weird dates and other nonsense. There will be little or no ammo for ex-JWs or apostates who want to nail the WTS with their own words because the new publications are almost devoid of any real information.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    This is very interesting. I am concerned that we shouldn't confuse not mentioning a belief with disavowing a belief. The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society hasn't explicitly mentioned their "mystery" belief or the "7,000 year long creative day" belief for years and years, but nowhere in their publications have they disavowed those beliefs as they did the "generation" doctrine.

    How can they claim their "authority over all his belongings" if they do not also claim to be the "faithful and discreet slave"?

    I don't know. It will be interesting to see.

    Don, if they DO drop the FDS teaching, I have to think it was in no small measure due to your laser-guided debunkiing missle-like book.

    I'm patting you on the back invisibly right now.

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