Intro/Is it ok for me to be here?

by Sad emo 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    The intro to this form states that ALL are welcomed here. This includes you. Salutations.

    Here you say:

    for a long while, everything they said seemed to make sense and they showed me a kind of friendship which I rarely encounter

    Yes. Pretty clever isn't it? They are trained through Theocratic Misery School exactly how to pull this crucial recruitment tool and master it.

    "For a long while" is right. As long as it takes to reel you in. Two years was a long time though. I am hoping you can de-program those years and truly live an altruistic life.

    What is refreshing is to see that you did not take the bait. Be proud of yourSELF.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Again, welcome aBoard.


  • poppers

    Hi Sad emo,

    I myself am an ex RC, and had to strugggle with guilt issues when I left. Something never felt right about the church but I could never quite put my finger on exactly what it was. I never was a jw, but I stumbled upon this site when looking for insight into the motivations of a 4th grade student of mine who wanted to hand out WTBTS tracts to classmates (which I didn't allow). What I discovered here was an amazing group of people who had amazing stories to share with others, and who were themselves looking for support, acceptance, and a sense of community. I have felt nothing but acceptance from these people and have grown to love and care about them, and so I continue to frequent this site.

    All of us in our own way are searching for peace and wholeness. Some search for it through various teachings and doctrines, which on occasion change. Others search for it by dropping all teachings and doctrines, having discovered how they limit one's actual experience of what is real and true right now this very moment. However you are searching know that you are welcome.

  • MerryMagdalene

    Have you started to get the impression you're WELCOME here, sad emo?!?Make yourself ta home...

    ~Merry (of the unofficial welcoming committee class)

  • jaffacake

    Sad Emo

  • jaffacake

    Sad Emo,

    I'm another ex catholic, until early teens, then converted to adventist (evangelical) & baptised. Then rapid fade followed by agnosticism for 25 years or so.

    My friend has just been baptised a JW, & his studies got me interested again, if only to prove JWs wrong. I have discovered much about what is wrong with catholicism, adventists and other fundamentalist religions through recent studies. I've never been a JW either but know more about JWs than most JWs, thanks to this site.

    I too have suffered from depression, and am still unsure about my beliefs. I have however made some recent breakthroughs in my own understanding. You are very welcome, this site is not just for ex JWs. I came here to get my mate out of JWs, but I stayed on because of the great people.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    Have you started to get the impression you're WELCOME here, sad emo?!?Make yourself ta home...

    I think the penny's dropped!

    Thank you all for your BIG welcomes. I was sooo overwhelmed by your responses that I couldn't stop crying - not ideal whilst at work! - so I waited until I got home before reading them.

    SF - I got invited along to all the midweek studies including the theocratic misery school - I've still no idea why, after pubsinger told me what they do there it seemed a bit odd that they invited me to it, maybe it was easier to try and get me to go to those than the Sunday services cos I already went to church on sunday?

    Crumpet - enjoy the ball and congrats on becoming a Jedi Master. The race to the finish kept me going this afternoon!

    se (of the working hard to become a happy emo class)

  • the_classicist

    Feel welcome here, eh!

    I'm a heretic too. I would be looking Anglican-ward if it weren't for the same-sex blessing in the New Westminster Diocese (doesn't seem very Christian, especially when it could start a schism), that's why I'd go traditional Anglican or maybe Orthodox.

    PS. What is an "emo"? ... Emotion?

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    An emo is referencw to musical taste - electro mosher. its what my more streetwise niece calls me - well she actually calls me a dirty emo but I thought that might give you all the wrong impression of me

  • Es

    everybody is welcome here, hope you enjoy and soon feel a part of the fam es

  • sonnyboy
    I was raised in a strong Roman Catholic family

    Of course you're welcome here! You're an ex-JW's strongest ally.

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