This sh*t is hilarious and true!

by sweet tee 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    WORLD RELIGIONS (Learn To Laugh)
    Taoism: Sh*t happens.

    Confu(ianism: "Confu(ious say, Sh*t happens!"

    Buddhism: Sh*t happens again, & again, & again.

    Hinduism: "This sh*t has happened before."

    Zen: "What is the sound of sh*t happening?"

    Hare Khrisna: "Sh*t happens, rama, rama, ding ding!" (repeat until you become one with sh*t).

    Prostestantism: "Sh*t won`t happen if I work harder."

    Baptist: "if sh*t happens, praise the Lawd for it!"

    Southern Baptist: "Our sh*t is better than your sh*t!"

    Jehovah`s Witness: "Let us in so we can tell you why sh*t happens!"

    Judiasm: "Why does this sh*t keep happening to us?"

    Islam: "If sh*t happens, it is the will of Allah."

    Nation of Islam: "If sh*t happens, its the white man`s fault."

    Catholicism: "If sh*t happens, I deserve it."

    Agnosticm: "What is this sh*t?"

    Atheism: "I don`t believe this sh*t!"

    Satanism: "To hell with this sh*t!"

    Rastarfarianism: "Let`s smoke this sh*t!"

  • z

  • Netty
    Jehovah`s Witness: "Let us in so we can tell you why sh*t happens!"

    Jehovahs Witnesses: Let us in so we can tell you why we have SH*T for brains" tee hee.

    Those were too funny Sweet Tee!

  • stillajwexelder

    I actuall;y have a teeshirt with this on - purchased it in Atlanta 1997

  • crazyblondeb

    I thought JWs were still waiting for shit to happen!!

  • jula71

    Thats some good sh*t!!!

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    I copied this from a friends web-page and thought it was hoot.

    JW's have sh*t for brains ... PRICELESS

  • JAVA
    I thought JWs were still waiting for shit to happen!!

    I guess that's why they're so full of it !!!

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    Java ... if you've been hoping for some sh*t to happen since 1879 you'd be full of it too

  • SixofNine

    Jehovah's Witnesses: Shit happened, but we're the only ones who noticed.

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