My last District Convention (I hope) ... observations

by ithinkisee 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty
    such a waste of time and resources.

    I go in two weeks.

    Pretend you don't see the placards I'm holding up or hear me invite them to turn their lives around and accept Jesus as their saviour on my Coast guard hailer and they'll never suspect.

  • BluesBrother

    I caught a little of the assembly on Saturday afternoon.

    I only remember the talk directed to the inactive. I featured a witness giving a soliloquy , in the instance of an inactive witnesss . He started off saying how life was great, and "just think of all those poor witnesses having to go to a hot sticky assembly", while he could do what he wanted . But as he went on he revealed that he was really bored and lonely and "How much he missed the brothers" "Some of the best times in my life were there at the Hall and in the ministry"

    I guffawed audibly when he said how the elders had been "so loving and tried so hard to get him to come back.". [some hopes. around they dont give a damn]

    It ended with him resolving to "Go to the hall next week, or better still go to the assembly on Sunday"

  • GetBusyLiving

    :"just think of all those poor witnesses having to go to a hot sticky assembly"

    LMFAO! That's exactly what I thought on the Saturday of our assembly here in Calgary! I grinned ear to ear and rolled back under the covers. No Regrets!!


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