Blood and RANK dishonesty!

by Marvin Shilmer 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • hawkaw

    Why is this thread not on page 1??

    bttt so "waiting" can learn more and more and more.


  • waiting


    Who are Jehovah's Witnesses United? Anything to do with blood policy?

    I think "they" present a united front on legal matters for Jehovah's Witnesses - and they are not affiliated with the actual WTBTS in any way. I think.

    I ran across this site when first coming to the web, interesting cases. The manipulation to the "accepted jw" viewpoint is obvious.
    One case hit the headlines again, I believe, last summer - the case of the young man being molested by his neighbor, who had been df'd previously, then reinstated. The elder stepfather knew about it (on committee) and didn't warn his son in any way.

    There are several long speeches on the site upholding jw teachings. Which really goes contrary to what the WTBTS teaches. I've read where they (WTBTS) say they don't need anyone's help in explaining or defending them. The WTBTS feels they are quite capable themselves of handling interpretation and defense.

    Hawk is right about not losing sight of this thread's focus on blood - and as to that question, I've not done much reading on that site about blood cases. Of course, back then, I was still a fence-sitting jw - and really had no interest in learning about the blood doctrine. Duh.


  • hawkaw


  • hawkaw

    With all this talk about using all the parts of the red blood cell but banning the "entire" red blood cell (that is unless some stupid tube is connected from your body to the machine - eg. cell saver), let us not forget that "pesky" little banned white cell.

    Yep, the same one allowed to be drank (eaten) in mothers breast milk and cows milk.

    Yep, the same one that can be taken when you have organ transplants and oh, yes taken as a real transfusion as long as it is called a fancy name like a "peripheral stem cell autographing procedure".

    Like give me a god dam break people. How the hell can you say "ban the white cell" when you are allowing it to be taken externally either by mouth or transfusion.

    Could someone look up the definition of "ban" in the Reasoning book or Insight into the Scriptures. Lets see now .... flip, flip .... oh yes, here we are, on the "mystery" page at the end of both books ... "ban" when used in the context of Watchtower's Hospital Information Service means THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS!!!!!

    And if that pesky little old white cell is okay in these certain situations, which makes up a whole 1% of blood and only uses the blood stream to move around in the body, then how the hell can they ban platelets that only make up 0.17% of blood.

    This is Child Blood Abuse (CBA) people and its gotta stop.

    We can't have another 1994 Awake! rag proudly showing 26 children on the cover, whose parents allowed them to needlessly die. All because the parents didn't know what their leaders were up too and under tremdous manipulation and "fear" techniques used by the leaders.


  • Farkel

    Marvin Shilmer,

    : They even posted faces of children killed as a result of this blood molestation! Not their finest hour.

    If they ever in 125 years had a "finest hour," what would you think it was?

    I'm most curious at your pending answer.

    Farkel, who thinks the finest hour for the WTS will be when someone pushes the "flush" handle, even though such a thing might tend to give legitimate sewage a bad rap. "Bad Associations" and all of that...

  • hawkaw

    A "Flush" for Farkel to get this to page 1.


  • Anchor

    By request of a newbie lurker.


  • yesidid

    BTT'd cos it's a great thread.

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