WT article : What inheritance do you owe your children?

by Dragonlady76 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dragonlady76

    What Inheritance
    Do You Owe Your Children?


    The Society just can't give parents a rest.

    I find this article to be presumptuous and to far reaching, they have no business telling parents what they can and cannot work for to leave their children someday.

    The article uses an story that overly exaggerates how much a parent wants to accumulate wealth in order to assure their 3 children will have a comfortable future.

  • DannyHaszard
    1 Timothy 5
    Advice About Widows, Elders and Slaves

    8 If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. The Watchtower will extort money from the elderly,, t hey did it to both sets of my grandparents! ----------------------------- Bill Bowen: ""...Then there is the matter of estates of the elderly . A few months ago I was informed of an elderly sister being told by the legal department that if she deeded her home to Watchtower before her death that they would make sure she got it back in the new order. The sister was coerced into getting a restraining order against her non-witness family to prevent them from talking to her about her possible grandchildren s inheritance. Three months after her death a new 'worldly' family was living in the home with a big Christmas tree. I wonder if our sister knew the legal department was going to allow that? {I bet she would have turned over in her grave} -------------------------------------- Danny Haszard's story:

    Chalk Hill landmark sold for condos
    Los Angeles Daily News, CA - 5 hours ago
    ... It's the first time the 8.3-acre parcel, on what is known as Chalk Hill, has changed hands since the Jehovah's Witnesses bought it from (Bob) Hope in 1974. ...

    Chalk Hill landmark sold for condos

    By Gregory J. Wilcox
    Staff Writer

    WOODLAND HILLS -- A decades-old San Fernando Valley landmark once owned by the late Bob Hope has been sold to a residential development partnership for $25 million, officials said Wednesday.

    It's the first time the 8.3-acre parcel, on what is known as Chalk Hill, has changed hands since the Jehovah's Witnesses bought it from Hope in 1974.

    Look at this,the Watchtower bought this one year before the end of the world 1975,at a time that i remember they were ordering the rank and file dubs to liquidate their assets and go all out for the Kingdom of God.

    This is also a time period that Brooklyn H.Q. was really crying poor mouth ( JW children were sending in their piggy banks {Jehovah's pennies} i was giving them my paper route and egg money from my 20 hens). I alone have been extorted tens of thousands of dollars of my life savings by the greedy bastards as an adult.

    Danny at work 1988 Boston
    They do 'eat their young for fun'

  • greendawn

    Dragonlady I tried the link with IE and opera browsers and it doesn't work.

  • Honesty

    Blood sucking cult.

  • kittyeatzjdubs
  • Dragonlady76
    she had the http on there twice


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    luv, jojo

  • DannyHaszard
    1 Timothy 5
    Advice About Widows, Elders and Slaves
    8 If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever .

    I'll be damned if the Watchtower didn't have the gall to quote 1 Timothy 5:8 and twist it.Blasphemy!

  • greendawn

    The point is that they are hypocritical when demanding from people to be spiritual because they the leaders do not give the good example, all they seem to care about is making money they are not charitable and they constantly ask for money from the members. People are not totally stupid despite what the WTS hopes.

  • Dragonlady76

    The Society expects you to donate to them your estate.....

    HOWEVER! .............................................................

    .................You are discouraged from pursuing a college education or career, that would enable you to better support yourself and your family and eventually lead to your having an estate. BUT! as a good dub you should dedicating your time to field service.....personal & family bible study time...... reading the daily text......preparing for meetings....... then attending all meetings...... assemblies and conventions So how is one, to find the time to work and make the money for "donations" that the society wants?


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