The KH and people in it make me so hateful

by tsunami_rid3r 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • tsunami_rid3r

    So the brother who was suppose to do sound had to read the watchtower that morning so I had to do it b/c no one else who knew how to showed up. So there I was sitting through this boring talk that talked about entertaiment or something and I heard it all before so I started reading this watchtower that was laying on the sound system.

    Then brother elder walked by and told my dad I was sleeping, and another brother elder walked by and told my dad I was sleeping. And then the attendant told my dad I was sleeping, and so my dad got up to tell me about it and I got pissed off so then I started reading the Bible. During song my dad told me somemore like theyre saying "youre 18 year old son is sleeping and he can't be doing that." And he tells me I'm not a baby I can't be sleeping like that, and I tell him I'm reading and to tell them to come to me and say something.

    And then the brothers and sister always comment about how my hair is long and am I getting a hair cut. I tried raising my hand on the last question of the watchtower but the brother called on brother elder's son instead so I raised my hand for the same question in the review and I got called on. Then after the meeting sister sarcastic comes up and tells me my comments are always "super" with how I word them.

    I really hope this ends once I go to college this august. I have to go to the book study tonight..god I effing hate this...I just know I'm gonna be really drousy especially with this new brochure keep on the watch. All it talks about is the last days and I don't even believe in that and plus I think its just wrong.

    I could stop going right now but then I'd have to get a hair cut and pay my bills like the cell phone and truck insurance.

  • crazyblondeb

    I used to always get tattled on --they couldn't wait to run to my parents. Usually it was for writing notes. Even during my short period of reinstatement they tried that running to tattle to my parents. I was told I had a bad attitude when I told them if they had a problem with me, they needed to come to me. Needless to say, I had to be "couseled" on my attitude. I didn't have a problem with it.....

  • wanderlustguy

    God I love this guy!

  • Aude_Sapere

    Aren't you baptized?

    What happened to Matthew 5 and Matthew 18 (I think those are the chapters)

    If you are a baptized male, the elders should be speaking to you directly. They are just being contentious if they insist on tattling.

    Might consider saying something privately to each of them to the effect of:

    "I heard you were concerned about my attentiveness on Sunday. I would like to take a moment to discuss this matter with you. Is now a good time? Please join me in the back room."


    "First of all, I will admit that I was distracted with this REALLY interesting article in the Watchtower and am very sorry if I caused you to miss out on the information being presented from the platform.

    Secondly, I am extremely disappointed that you did not come to me first. I would really prefer that you come to me first if there is something that I am doing that causes you concern. I have found that Jesus counsel to speak to your brother - in this case, that would be 'me' - before involving others. It's really the more grownup and loving way to be. Wouldn't you agree, Brother Edler?"


    Sorry!! I remember those days. Hang in there. Maybe an expresso before the next meeting will help?????


  • LoverOfTruth

    Congratulations on going to College. You're off to a good start to a real life!

  • GetBusyLiving

    You're gonna be so happy when you finally get out on your own dude. You don't have much longer to wait. Hang on!


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    OMG this post is so funny!

    I can't believe they actually council you for this now!

    At the KH's I attended the Elders were notorious for nodding off!(And a few sisters)

    They were always getting jabbed I even had to jab hubby..I remember thinking how can they go to sleep when this is SO interesting!

    Was I brainwashed or what!


  • chrissy

    I could stop going right now but then I'd have to get a hair cut and pay my bills like the cell phone and truck insurance.

    (that's awesome)

    I hope your parents are not paying your tuition as well... you do not want to be a slave to them and the wt for another four years... student loans never looked so good.

  • JV

    Chrissy, if he's going to uni away from the parents then i'd make them foot the bill. If he's away from his parents then he can just fake it and get them to pay

  • chrissy

    True...that is the least they can do

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