is the gun responsible or the one who fires it?

by zen nudist 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    who is the real murderer?

    Cain who slew Abel, or God who rejected Cain, and according to most believers KNEW how Cain would react and what he would do...and did nothing to stop him.

    "Am I my brother's keeper?" could be translated as --- Why weren't you watching over Abel? He was your favorite after all?

  • Terry

    If you were writing a play about characters named Cain and Abel in the same circumstances as found in Scripture, the entrances and exits of the character GOD would be most telling.

    Fact is, the Old Testament ancient God was anthropomorphic and only gradually souped-up into the super hero of New Testament obscurity hidden away in the clouds.

    The Cain and Abel character (depicting God) is very limited. He senses things and is worried and acts like a Dutch uncle. He is often surprised and disappointed. He rants and vents. But, he isn't a fully developed character at this stage of the writing. It took many seasons of renewal for him to find his backstory and enlarge his powers into a Red Sea parting kind of deity.

    The actual framing of the question you have asked would likely be clearer if we knew why this mythological story took shape the way it did.

    God is present in the story to warn and to punish; yet, key intervention at the point of the murder---he is absent. Compare this to the story of Isaac being offered up by Abraham. At the key moment in the crisis of the story the dagger of death is poised above the happless child and an angel cries out to stop the deed from happening.

    Same god or different writer?


  • Flash
    who is the real murderer?

    Since this happened after the Rebellion God is not oblidged to intervien. If the Rebellion hadn't occured and Cain raised his hand to murder Able yes, God would have protected Able. The issue of God's Law vs Lawlessness was now in play so He was not and is not oblidged to act. After Armageddon lawlessness will not be tolorated.

    So 'who is the real murderer?' Cain is, he ignored God's personal warning to him and used his free will for evil.

  • mkr32208

    Shouldn't this be titled who's the real killer cain or the rock???

    "I didn't kill him I just whipped a rock, if he got killed thats his beef man!"

  • ballistic

    They were all sleeping with eachothers brothers and sisters. It must have been hard not to murder people.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist
    Since this happened after the Rebellion God is not oblidged to intervien. If the Rebellion hadn't occured and Cain raised his hand to murder Able yes, God would have protected Able. The issue of God's Law vs Lawlessness was now in play so He was not and is not oblidged to act. After Armageddon lawlessness will not be tolorated.

    So 'who is the real murderer?' Cain is, he ignored God's personal warning to him and used his free will for evil.

    that all sounds nice if you ignore the fundamental problems, namely, God did intervene and supposedly knew the consequences of his actions.... from the story there is no hint Abel would have been murderered without this intervention.... so why did God intervene and then not stop Abel from being killed, but only show up afterwards...and then be so odd about the punishment.

  • RichieRich

    Moral Ambiguity

    look it up.

  • garybuss

    Based on the philosophy of some former Witnesses, the gun is responsible and the person who pulls the trigger is a victim of victims.

  • RichieRich
    Based on the philosophy of some former Witnesses, the gun is responsible and the person who pulls the trigger is a victim of victims.

    I dont know if any of you guys were known gun owners when in the Truth... but I know I get alot of heat for it.

    Their ignorance appals (sp?) me. They are like "guns are only used to kill people". Yeah and so are blood cards...

    I got a thread idea...

  • EvilForce

    I blame the Chinese for inventing gun powder.

    I blame the American Indians for being there. I mean really what else were we supposed to do? Placate the beasts....nah, just shoot em.

    I blame God for giving us the ability to create without the mental faculties to manage responsibility.

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