What Silly Things Do JWs Woo & Ahhh Over?

by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    I bet when the NY WTC went down there was some brother out there Jacking Off.


  • GetBusyLiving

    :one of those wt grins

    I know that grin. That shit-eating grin. So embarrassing.


  • minimus

    I like it when you hear a guy call everyone "brother" in a public place. Dorks!

  • EvilForce

    They way the ooh and ahh over each other to say a very loud public prayer when at a resturant for lunch break for field service. Seems so self righteous.

    Or they ooh and ahh over each other when they leave the WitlessTower and Afake as tips to the lunch servers....because "Everlasting Life" is so much better than a lousy few bucks for a tips isn't it?

  • minimus

    When a person gives their first answer they love bomb him. It could be answer like "Jesus" and all the Witnesses look their gonna have an orgasm.

  • GetBusyLiving

    :It could be answer like "Jesus" and all the Witnesses look their gonna have an orgasm.

    If you were EvilForce sitting in the washroom.. you might have been!


  • 144001

    deleted by 144001

  • EvilForce

    Good point mini.... or even one similar....

    When the local know it all (one that goes back to 2 or 3 other WTBS books for research) and spouts on for 10 mins about some insane, ridiculous, corallary that has nothing to do with the study point, but everyone is nodding their heads, looking at each other with (as GBL says) those stupid smirks, and ooh'ing over the "spirtiual food" brother Know it all has just presented. "Wow we never thought of it that way." Um, yeah cause you were never supposed to you idiot!

    Ugh, I'm going to go barf now.

  • Netty

    Whenever the name "Jehovah" is mentioned, like on T.V. or in a movie, etc. I remeber it being mentioned in one of the Indiana Jones Movies, temple of doom I think, and ay, ay, ay, how nuts everybody went about. Shish!

  • whyamihere

    OMG....LOL Indiana Jones Movie.

    Oh I remeber that when he said Jehovah..... I was like Oh wow it must be the Truth if he said JEHOVAH. I so forgot that. Oh that made my day thinking of how sad yet funny that is!


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