It's official - 20 years out and free

by Lady Lee 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Ok 20 years out only 10 years free (cuz sometimes I'm a slow learner)

    Yup May makes 20 years since I officially got the boot. 20 years since I lost my entire way of life and had to start all over - no money, no home, no education, no job.

    There's a sad kind of irony here in that except for the education I'm sort of in the same boat. But there is a HUGE BUT this time.

    When I left the JWs I only thought of suicide. I so totally believed that there was nothing ahead of me except death. I was taught to believe that leaving the safety of the WTS meant eternal destrucion with no hope for a future.

    Well I've learned a few things along the way. I've learned the WTS is wrong. There is life and a future after leaving the JWs. I've learned you can create goals and work towards them and you can succeed beyond every expectation you were taught. I've learned that I was not alone. (Thanks to all of you here) There are hundreds and thousands of people, who like me, felt the chains of oppression and control that have nothing to do with a belief or faith in God and have walked away or found other ways to leave and learned to be free.

    I continue to work hard at having a life free of controlling people or organizations. After being enslaved for most of my life it sometimes is too easy to fall into those old patterns with controlling people.

    Now I choose what color shapes my life. I choose the direction. And sometimes it takes a bit longer but it is MY choice. I like it and I'm keeping it.

    For those of you still trying to decide or who still have one foot in. . .

    Break those chains

  • Nosferatu

    Congrats on your anniversaries, Lee! I'll be hitting 9 years this August. I should really make note of that date (I have it written down) and celebrate it!

    It's funny that you said "Break Those Chains". I'm in the middle of recording a song called "Sentimental Chains"

  • Quotes

    Lady Lee, thanks for that wonderful post.

    Why don't you celebrate this milestone? Do something special for yourself!

    (Quotes raises a glass to Lady Lee)

  • candidlynuts

    congrats lee..

    you know your story is an inspiration and the information you provide has helped so many of us. thank you !

  • diamondblue1974

    Congratulations....your posts have helped me come to terms with the belief system that I was indoctrinated into and I have found them invaluable.

    Well done and good luck with the future.

    DB74 of the 'I can say good luck' class.

  • Joyzabel

    Congrats Lady Lee!

    you are such an inspiration for us all.



  • LyinEyes

    Lady Lee,,,,,,,,,,girl hugs to you!!

    You know reading this board the last few days and hearing so many declaring their independence from the borg, their sheer happiness in the little things in life and just living,,,,,,,has made me feel so good.

    Lady Lee you have always been one of the most inspirational poster on this board to me. All that you have been thru, and still keep on going , shining thru. You help sooooooo many people here, and I know you sure helped me.

    Thanks for all of what you have done and will do, and for being such a wonderful Lady.

    Hugsssssss Dede

  • ithinkisee

    Thank Lady Lee for that. I am still in and it is positive posts on the site like this that help me to be confident in my decision.

    I know life is still "life" when you get out, but I will enjoy the freedom from the burdensome yoke.

    thanks again,


  • lawrence

    Lady Lee-

    Well put! I too was suicidal when I left, believing there was only death facing an apostate. Life is good. Congrats!

    peace and blessings

  • Balsam

    Wow 20 year out and 10 years offically free of the mentality. I can only imagine what that must feel like. It has been just under 4 years for me, but I was free of the mentality as soon as I read Crisis Of Conscious by Ray Franz that was about a year after I was disfellowshipped.

    I hope I live long enough to celebrate 20 years, that would be awesome. 10 years even. Congratudations Lady Lee.


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