Do You Personally Know Of Any JW That Was Sexually Abused?

by minimus 88 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Didn't know the vicims personally - but the PO in a cong just a few miles away was an abuser of young boys. He had money and would get them to come to his house and play with the motorcycles, boats ect. I guess that is how he got them hooked in. He had a nice family and wife who did not suspect anything I guess for a long time - He was later Df'd and went to become a California Beach Bum or something.

    The people in the territory kept telling the brothers about it - don't know how they knew - finally someone got wise and investigated. At least that was the story we heard.

    Gives me the creeps


  • bisous

    yes. *raises hand*. I was.

    Why do you ask?

  • GetBusyLiving

    I know a few. And the elders didn't do shit. And they are still JW's.


  • Aude_Sapere

    Yes, I do.


  • love11

    Just about every female friend of mine was sexually abused in one way or another. Usually by 40-50 year old men (some elders) that seemed to get away with nothing happening to them and the 14-18 year old girl was reproved or disfellowshipped.

  • moanzy

    We had an older brother in our congregation who sexually abused many many young kids in our hall. Many of these young ones ended up in Psych wards over it. When it first came out it was because his granddaughter didn't want to go to his house anymore. She finally told them what he was doing to her. Then so many young ones came out and told what happened to them.

    He was reported to Police, spent about 3 yrs in Jail, was then reinstated. Then new cases finally came out and was disfellowshipped again. They finally moved him to another town. The neighbors around him found out about him and must of threatened him because he was scared to leave him apartment. He eventually committed suicide. Now I have heared that the some of these kids are now abusing the next generation and that congregation is trying to clean up the mess. The Society apparently sent my uncle and his wife home from Bethel to deal with this mess. This pervert was his father-in-law.

    My sister was also molested by our uncle and has never been reported. (mom didn't want to hurt grama!!!)


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    I know several that were sexually molested..And several that were Physically abused (Beaten)

    Sometimes I wonder which is worse..If they are taken away from the home they land in foster care..which from what I hear is a breeding ground for molesters and abusers..

    Any thoughts on Foster care?

    The ones I knew stayed in the family until they were of age and moved on..


  • nicolaou

    Gordon Ritchie from my old congregation. Had six daughters and one son. He started abusing several of his granddaughters. When his family found out they reported him to the Elders and the police. He served time and was disfellowshipped. He's been out for years now and is reinstated and at a congregation in the same town.

    James Barratt from my wifes congregation. An Elder and 'professional' homeopathist. According to the Judge who sentenced him he was guilty of "systematic abuse over a period of ten years." Exactly the same formula as before - out but now back in...

  • notperfectyet
    notperfectyet continue to make me upset,

    What was the question?

    were the abused not a witness and abused by a witness?

    Were the abused witnesses, and the abuser not a witness ?

    Were the abusers and victims both wittnesses when they were abused?

    It effects everyone in the same way, and it is a big problem. Sick is sick.

    Give more to you questions..Please.

    You know I have become more tolerant..but you are not helping my progress.

    Avishi, thank you for your post, my abused sisterinlaw is is giving my brother hell and torment, She let her son and daughter be abused, both by neightbor"s,

    it was all ok,

    because they were worldly, but she was abused by a witness cousin as a preteen. And she doesn't think there is anything wrong with him because he is still a witness.

    And we wonder why shrinks get so many clients.

    My brother has finally started reading this site...Thank you Simon.

  • Es

    Yeah i know of a few, my friends sister was sexually abused numerous times by an elder. es

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