My JW neighbor's birthday

by bebu 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • hubert

    KLS and BEBU...

    Beat you by one day !!

    July 31 ...... Small world, huh?


  • Aude_Sapere

    Another August Baby...

    Aug 16th right here!!


  • Quotes

    Her face brightened up with this huge smile and her eyes sparkled, and she blurted out, "You remembered!!" (It was a transformation!!!) She came over and gave me a hug.

    And in the Wacky World of Watchtowerism, this type of sweet, wonderful moment is dismissed as a sin. How truly sad.

    ~Quotes, of the "if loving moments like this makes me a sinner, then I guess I'm a sinner" class

  • bebu

    You guys would probably not think I'm such a sweetie if you were my kids. LOL! (Hey, well their room is clean now...)

    kls... Yup, my birthday is Aug. 1. And I only know of one other person (besides kls) who has that date.

    Hey Aude, hope you'll have a great summer birthday also this year! ...I had such great ones growing up. In the summer, there are so many kinds of options available outdoors... It's one of the best times to be born!

    My JW neighbor is family to us. We see her at least once a week, usually more. (She brings donuts, I make coffee!) If she ever leaves the witnesses (or not!), she's still got friends and family in us.


    Edited to add: to Hubert!! (=July 31, Aug 1)

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