
by tattoogrl333 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    LOL! Tattoogirl - you go! I love your spunkiness and courage! Yes, you are right - this board is to ask anyone anything. Keep in mind that anyone is allowed to answer. So be prepared to be antagonized by JW's such as GodRules and FredHall. They typically do nothing to actually answer questions or soothe doubts. They take things personally and attack the person instead of addressing the issue at hand. Rarely is there biblical backing behind their arguments.

    You seem like a very educated and smart young woman. Use the brain you've been given and let God prove to you what is The Truth. Actions always speak louder than words.

    Keep it up! You're doing wonderfully!


  • JeffT

    Let me start with a couple of facts about myself:
    1) I am a Christian. I believe in the Bible, I believe that God is supreme in all matters, and that Jesus Christ died for my sins.
    2)As a Jehovah's Witnesses I was never disfellowshipped, or even called before a judicial committee.

    I'm saying this so that I don't have to listen to the likes of God Rules telling me I'm unrepentant.

    Disfellowshipping as practiced by Jehovah's Witness is unscriptural and mean. Once you become a witness asking the kind of questions you are asking here will get you disfellowshipped. All your new friends will have to stop talking to you.

    Yes, you only have to demonstrate repentance to God, but if you don't go talk to the elders that in itself you show that you are not repentant. You will also be required to report any wrongdoing you find out about to the elders.

    A number of years ago, while in a state of clinical depression following the death of her father, my wife's aunt fell into sin. What she needed was counseling, medication and support. What she got was disfellowshipped.

    Yes, the elders have a duty to keep the congregation clean. In my church this is handled by helping those that fall into sin see that they need to make changes. This is brought about by prayer, study and counseling. I've known of people that have spent YEARS in our counseling programs working on overcoming problems. And I'm not talking about "small" issues. There are groups for those overcoming drug and alcohol and even sex addictions (for example). At the Kingdom hall these people would be disfellowshipped.

  • dedalus

    Great post, Ianao! LOL! I was about to take a shot at Godrules, but after you there's not much else to say!


  • jonjonsimons

    You go girl! Always, always, always ask questions. No matter what the topic, a JW will always tell you that asking questions shows weakness and an unbelieving heart. I should know, I've been on the receiving end of that two by four in the past.

    As for Godrules, just read my signature line below. That's all I have to say in regards to your post.

    lol, (only to you tatoogrl)

    Opinions are like a**holes. We've all got one and most of them stink.

  • GodRules

    Thank you jonjon, dedalus, billy for your insults. That shows the maturity level in this board. I did not insult anyone, but just stated what I thought on the matter.

    As for tattoogirl, my previous post shows that I respect her. She did not appreciate that I doubted her sincerity, and she is right to get mad.

    I don't see the usefulness of asking questions about JW's here. If I wanted to learn about Jehovah, I would not ask Satan for his point of view. Why? Because he hates Jehovah. I hate Satan for causing divisions among our brotherhood and for spreading lies about Jehovah and his people. I can't wait 'till he gets destroyed.

  • RunningMan


    This is a little off the topic, but since you are interested in asking
    questions, would you like to catch your study conductor in a lie?
    Then ask them this: "Do you need to be a Jehovah's Witness in
    order to survive Armageddon?"

    They will likely answer "No - only God can make this decision."

    This is an outright lie. I have provided references at the end of this
    post to prove my point.

    Have fun!

    "Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant
    and the 'great crowd', as a united organization under the
    protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any scriptural
    hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system
    dominated by Satan the Devil." (WT 09/01/89 p 19)

    "You must be part of Jehovah's organization, doing God's will,
    in order to receive his blessing of everlasting life."
    (You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, 1982, p256)

    "Who will live through Armageddon? Only those who obey
    the bible command to seek Jehovah... How does one seek
    Jehovah and seek righteousness? By coming into the
    'one flock' of the right shepherd." (From Paradise Lost
    to Paradise Regained, p 58)

  • dedalus
    Thank you jonjon, dedalus, billy for your insults.

    You're welcome. Jehover is a booger-face, and so are you.

    If I wanted to learn about Jehovah, I would not ask Satan for his point of view. Why? Because he hates Jehovah. I hate Satan for causing divisions among our brotherhood and for spreading lies about Jehovah and his people. I can't wait 'till he gets destroyed.

    If I wanted to learn about Satan, I would not ask Jehover for his point of view. Why? Because he hates Satan. I hate Jehover for causing division among the entire human race and for spreading lies about Satan and his people. I can't wait 'till he gets destroyed.


  • GodRules

    dedalus: You're just silly, dude.

    RunningMan: Not all JW's are as predictable as you make it sound. I would not answer your question: "No, only God can make this decision.", I would say: "In order to survive, you must be doing Jehovah's will". It is Jehovah's will for his people to be united in thoughts and not trying to cause divisions.

  • peaceloveharmony

    god rules

    If I wanted to learn about Jehovah, I would not ask Satan for his point of view. Why? Because he hates Jehovah. I hate Satan for causing divisions among our brotherhood and for spreading lies about Jehovah and his people. I can't wait 'till he gets destroyed.

    so what, you are equating us with satan? you can't wait until we are destroyed is what you are really saying. your lust for death and destruction of your fellow humans sickens me.

    "If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
    ..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)

  • peaceloveharmony


    keep the questions coming! life is about searching for truth, not being supplied with ready made "truth" (tm) prepackaged crap.


    "If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
    ..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)

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