Howdy Ya'll , how is everyone???

by LyinEyes 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    Hey Dede and Rot,

    How are you all doing? Hope we can catch up sometime, would be nice to get Dawg and us all together sometime. Maybe you can come visit our way sometime.



  • kls

    Hello you two and great to hear from ya. You keep that computer running cause i got to hear whats been going on.

  • LyinEyes

    Hey Mulan it is great to hear from you, hope everyone is well in your family, Princess and the kids.

    Hugs to Kls , Purple , Jim and Joy, it is so great to hear from all of you. I wish I had more time to reply and ask each of you questions , ya'll know how nosey I am.......hehe, but I have to go soon.

    Since Denny is not here, I really need to be cloned, I can not be split three ways with our three kids, but I am finding ways to take care of all that needs to be done with the kids.

    Our oldest Jake has a sports banquet and both parents and grands are invited , a once a year special event to give out the awards for football, baseball, cheerleading, basketball etc. Well, my youngest son has a baseball game to attend that he could not miss because without him they wouldnt have enough boys for a game, so what would I do?? ERRRRRRR,,, but not to worry my wonderful neice is going to take my youngest Chance to his game and cheer him on as best she can and I will go to the banquet. I hate to miss Chance's game but I was at one just yesterday and he seems to understand that Jake's banquet is a one time special event.

    Well, life out of the JW's is hectic but I wouldnt trade it for anything.

    I am off to the banquet and maybe I can catch Chance's last few innings if I am lucky.

    Love you all............Dede

  • LittleToe

    How ya doing, girl?

    Regards to WT

  • Sirona

    Hi Dede,

    Welcome back!


  • gumby

    Dede! So nice of you to pop in! We've missed your presence. Did that baldheaded, tequila drinkin, ol' bastard husband of yours tell ya I called his arse a few weeks ago? ....It was nice to chat with Denny for a bit as I always think of you two. Hey....I've only found a black hair in my eggs twice since we ate breakfast together and I never even got sick or nuthin.

    I just wanted to let you all know that we have missed you all very much and hope that we can keep this computer from burning out!!

    I told you you'd have trouble with a computor you bought for $5 at a yardsale....didn't I now?

    Nice to see you back sis


  • wanderlustguy
    ((((((((((((Welcome to the other DD)))))))))))))))))))) I will send ya a message in a little while.

    I think I'm gonna pass out...

  • BrendaCloutier

    Hey, Lyin, so nice to see you again. I'm glad your life is so .....normal! And I was told it was only a setting on a washing machine. I suppose the spin-dry can be rather fun!



  • Sunspot

    Hi Dede! Great to hear from you! You sound very happy and content and it's so nice to hear.

    Much love to you and Denny.....



  • gumby

    I've told ya 3 times now Brenda to quit talkin slutty....haven't I? Dede lives in southern baptist state and she don't talk that way and neither does her husband!!!!!! Now....go wash your mouth out with soap.....ya hear me?!!!!!


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