Valid alternatives to the door to door preaching work?

by El blanko 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    Ok - so I had a talk/debate with a guy today who insists that he sees "nobody else talking about the end of the world" and that "the door to door work the JWs perform is the best way to preach."

    This guy has a brother who is disfellowshipped. He has never been baptized, yet has an ongoing interest and believes the JWs are a special people.

    The debate occurred after I had pointed out that I had little to no faith in the WTBTS chronology. He told me that was fair enough, but he didn't concern himself with dates, as they meant little to him anyway.

    I told him there was no point going out to talk to people and support the religion if the creed was faulty and to claim that "JWs have truth absolute" is just plain silly in light of the errors.

    What would you have said?

    (I will be passing on the thoughts by the way)

  • confusedjw

    Does going door to door to teach a lie God's Work?

    How about the decades and millions nay billioins of hours and mags distinctly saying that the purpose of preaching was to warn the world that the "Generation that saw the events of 1914 would see the end"

  • greendawn

    This person is not being critical enough of the org he supports, does he realise that the end of the world was always made to appear imminent to the dubs for 120 years now, in 1880 they were looking at 1914 then 1915, 1918, 1925 and up to this day "yes brothers it's just round the corner".

    This doesn't do much good to their claim of being divinely inspired (God's mouthpiece)instead it shows them as false prophets whose utterances in the name of God have clearly failed, in Old testament days they would have had no followers as they would have been executed as satan inspired impostors so why follow such people and the religion (ie cult) they have set up?

    And it is more than just date setting since they used the Armageddon thing to emotionally coerce people into selling their printed products "preach or else you are blood guilty for their impending destruction", to strongly discourage them from pursuing a higher education "parents why send your children to university when the end is so near", and many people dedicated everything to preaching because "it is such a fine way to end your days in this old system". Let alone all the stress the dubs had to put up with out of fear of not being up to standard so near to the end.

    Naive people got exploited (since 1880!)left right and centre. Some smart people made good money out of an enormous slave labour force whereas the dupes never saw their glorious reward coming in the form of the new system. It was always made to appear so tantalisingly close but...they finally got just a lemon.

    So it's a lot more than just wrong chronology.

  • roybatty
    How about the decades and millions nay billioins of hours and mags distinctly saying that the purpose of preaching was to warn the world that the "Generation that saw the events of 1914 would see the end"

    This one fact alone should cause ANY Witness to really think hard about what they are doing. You can argue endlessly about the blood issue, the trinity, neutrality, smoking, etc, etc, until you're both blue in the face but the FACT that the Society had Witnesses preaching for DECADES something that was flat out WRONG should make any JW with half a brain at least go "hmmmmm......why did it take Jehovah 70 years to correct a wrong belief? Why did He have us teach something that was false for so many years?"

  • peacefulpete

    The ineffectiveness of door to door cold calling is shown by the hundreds of millions of hours spent in the U.S. with 0% growth. Further after a hundred years of this method very very few people have any idea what JWs believe doctrinally. I would imagine that the few public converts would have been just as susceptible to the attraction of the JWs if approached through other means.

  • aniron
    This guy has a brother who is disfellowshipped. He has never been baptized

    Why was his brother DF'd. Was it because he dis agreed with WT teachings maybe. If the WT is so good why isn't he baptised?

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    Thanks for the comments so far, if anybody else has a contribution, please add to the thread. As I said earlier, all these thoughts will be extracted and used if applicable.


    His brother was disfellowshipped for an immoral act. Nuff said He (who I have spoken about before) is currently attempting to be reinstated.

  • neyank

    ConfusedJW said it best.

    "Does going door to door to teach a lie God's Work?"

    The answer to this question is what stopped me and many others from remaining with the JWs.

    Unless the JWs are saying that God is a liar and loves the lie, their preaching of lies and contributing them to God is a complete farce and waste of time that does nothing but contribute to a book publishing company.

    Valid alternatives to door to door preaching?

    There aren't any and can't be any if what they are preaching is a lie.


  • Dismembered

    Greetings El Blanko,

    Let that guy you know, know, that I've had to pooh-pooh many a mormon off my steps. Jdubs don't have the monopoly, their pip-squeak organization,(a.k.a. WTBTS) thinks it does on the "preachin' work".


    "Don't you go dyin' on me now"

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    Let that guy you know, know, that I've had to pooh-pooh many a mormon off my steps.

    Hi there ...

    I think the trouble I have using that argument in the UK is that the JWs are really the only ones pestering people at their front doors.

    I have met Mormans in the town, but only JWs knock doors around here (or so it seems).

    I will add your thoughts to my document though.


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