Conspiracy!! Zygotes and Oocytes on the Governing Body *proof!*

by IP_SEC 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • IP_SEC

    Blondie posted a link to a short bio on the GB members and I noticed something I hadnt seen before. These guys all have to be of the 'annointed' but JWs say the calling to be of this class ended in 1935. Whats with these very young new members?

    Guy Pierce-- 1934-- Less than a year old- Infant baptism?

    Sam Heard--- 1935-- This man was at best an embryo when Jesuhovah shut the door to the annointed.

    Gerrit Losh-- 1941-- Ovum in 1935

    David Splane-- 1944-- Ovum in 1935

    Steve Lett-- 1949! for christ's sake-- Ovum in a prepubescent girl in 1935

    Now give me a freeking break here, out of 8 - 10k annointed these are the oldest qualified guys they could find?

    If these last three guys were in my hall and were claiming to be annointed, we'd be like: "yaaaa sure you are, ok what ever" But now they have the highest possition in the org?

    What's wrong with this picture? Think lurkers, think.

  • blondie

    On several of my reviews I have brought out this point about the ages of the majority of the GB members today. I see a trend. How many other male JWs are out there who have gotten the heavenly call after 1935, are they the replacements for the older GBs of today. How long could this go on?

    Eventually the marriage of the bride of Christ must take place according to the WTS and all the anointed on earth must be in heaven for the happy day. And that is supposed to have shortly after the GT begins. So as long as there are anointed on earth, can the GT take place? Hope that was coherent.


    w96 1/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***

    All eagerly look forward to the heavenly "marriage of the Lamb." The Bible links that marriage to the time of the approaching great tribulation?the destruction of Babylon the Great, and then the elimination of the rest of Satan?s system.?Revelation 18:2-5; 19:2, 7, 11-21; Matthew 24:21.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Clearly the 1935 sealing date is another farce promoted by Rutherford who saw that he had to get two classes established before the organization was too large to 'close the door'.

    I did an extensive reduction-by-age of the 1941 'partakers' - using the Berkely Mortality Tables. The absolute best scenario would be a 'remnant' of about 1000 still remaining. And that group would be dropping by about 10% or more per year at this stage. Instead it holds steady over the past 20 years or so with little fall off.

    In other words - 1935 was just another part of the fantasy fog that we bought into. I have been waiting to see a change - 'new light' - on this one for awhile. I suppose they will find a scripture somewhere that will tell the faithful just why this is happening. I cannot believe they have felt no need to do so already. The list of 'doubters' must be growing as they see this same 8500 living on and on and on. And of course most were born after the door was closed.


  • Country_Woman

    I don't have "proof" here, but I once was told (by an elder) that when an anointed goes wrong - he then will be "replaced". that means that for each young anointed one, another one had gone apostate....

    The other thing I heard that the Governing Body no longer existed of anointed ones: they are running out, due to age....

  • lawrence

    Once upon a time I considered myself a "replacement" and that freaked out the powers that be in a few congos, but I finally know why there have been so many recent replacements (to hell mortuary tables) - the G.B. disfellowshipped the first century church for disagreeing with their New Light. Aha! And the door opens WIDE once again. Any takers?

  • LongHairGal


    This makes me laugh. Many years ago when I was new I asked one of the "anointed" (in my ignorance) if it could be possible for me to be one of the anointed. Well...this person jumped all over me to show me how wrong it would be for me to ever think I could be. After all, I wasn't involved in the early work, struggle (whatever) etc.etc. I really wasn't being presumptuous, I was just asking a question.


  • ValiantBoy

    We had a CO, Jones, that was of the anointed. He was not that old. Maybe around 60 in 1990...but he had only been baptized sine the late 60s. I always thought that was strange and wondered why he got chosen when some very faithfull witnesses I knew who had been baptized since the 1920s and 30s were not.

  • tijkmo

    in coatbridge cong one of the annointed was someone else in cong decided to take his place..problem was df one got reinstated and started to take the emblems again

    watchya gonna do

  • darkuncle29

    Interesting stuff, I like how the simple ideas are often the profound ones.

    What's wrong with this picture? Think lurkers, think.

    Anybody for more Cocoa Puffs?

  • Satanus
    in coatbridge cong one of the annointed was someone else in cong decided to take his place..problem was df one got reinstated and started to take the emblems again

    This two class issue must drive jehovah to drink.


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