Picking the nose....

by morty 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • lilbit

    Y oh Y do men think picking their noses in a car is private UM HELLooooo your surrounded by glass

  • blondie

    As long as they don't pick my nose.

  • blondie

    or pick their b**t.

  • doogie
    Y oh Y do men think picking their noses in a car is private UM HELLooooo your surrounded by glass

    you mean you can see IN???!!!!...hmm...doesn't change a thing.

    i just figure, none of the people i'm driving past will ever see me again. and if they do, they'll know not to look at me next time.

  • bronzefist

    As long as they don't pick my nose. You can pick your nose. You can pick your friends. But you can't pick your friend's nose.

  • lonelysheep

    Anytime I'm on the highway, there's always some guy pickin his nose and driving and doesn't care that his windows aren't tinted!

  • Elsewhere

    What?!?!? People can see IN my car?!?!?!

    Reminds me of a news article about a new kind of "driving hazard": People watching porn on LCD DVD players.

  • fairchild

    I really hate to admit it, but I pick my nose quite frequently. What am I supposed to do? There's always 'stuff' in my nose because I have a bad sinus problem.

    Unfortunately, 12 days ago I hit my finger with a hammer and it is kind of damaged. It happens to be my nose picking finger (ever noticed that you always pick your nose with the same finger?) It's been a real pain, trying to pick my nose with the wrong finger, can't wait to have that other finger healed and get on with my normal nose picking life.

    After all, it is not about how often you pick your nose, but it is about what you do with the booger.

  • stillajwexelder

    I admit I pick my nose

  • Honesty
    here in the south, its epidemic, men come out of walmart , hold one nostril closed then blow wads out of the open nostril... ICK

    You promised not to tell.

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