New Light on Higher Education

by seeitallclearlynow 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • coffee_black

    I graduated High School in 1969. My dad, a well respected elder (and very smart man, I might add) believed in education. He wasn't shy about his views in the congregation, and no one could prove him wrong. (some tried... he showed them that they were idiots, and they left him alone after that.) I went to college with my dad's full encouragement and blessing. Quit after a year to marry the wrong man, but that's another story.

    My point is that there are some elders who know how wrong the society has been about education, and you may have one who wants to apply a little reason to the subject. He may just be going out on a limb.


  • tijkmo

    i had a talk on circuit assembly a few years back about education just before wt was released that ammended our viewpoint...i based talk on dead poets society..seize the day..twas brilliant even if i say so myself...shame it was redundant just a few days later

  • rwagoner

    NOW they figure it would have been soooo much easier to continue my education right out of high school rather than go back once I was an old fart. uugghh. LOL

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Sorry folks, Blondie esp. , haha! Just talked to son; it was the Instruction Talk on the Theocratic School. Direct from the Society. He didn't show me the school schedule but it was what was outlined for that week's school.

  • talesin

    Dirty, rotten .... there's gonna be a good conversation around the dinner table this week!!!


    education-deprived class

  • melmac

    That must be because the "University of Awake" has cut its syllabus in half.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    I thought this changed in 1994 or 1995. I remember reading in a Watchtower article at that time stating that no one should be looked down upon for going to college.

    I remember thinking, "You bastards, why didn't you print that in 1976 when I got out of High School!"

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    I wonder how many they'll loose in the dash for pioneering cash?

    Nearly 10 years ago when I was an MS I reasoned much the same way (half the work for the same money) and went to university. No one critisised me (well, not that got back to me), many were very supportive and all was sweet.

    But they were right that learning 'higher critism' and stuff was a tool to remove one from the beliefs of the JW's - I was out within 18 months having seen through the lack of evidence, faulty reasoning and just general awfulness of being a JW.

  • cyberguy

    A friend of mine just went to a circuit assembly, and from what I understand, several talks by both district and circuit overseers, highly criticized higher education. They mentioned that getting a 4 year degree was only an option to allow you to "pioneer," and even then a "spiritual" person would not do it!

  • EvilForce

    If the dubs ever got smart they'd open a JW University. The more their members make the more they will give to the Church, ie,,, the Mormons.

    Educated Mormons still fall for the fact that Joe Smith read "truth" from stones in a more stupid than 1914.

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