Calling All Ex Witnesses

by FiveShadows 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • FiveShadows

    It's me again...Most of you don't remember me, but I am in need of personal experiences and comments that you may help me out with.

    I met someone online who has apparently turned out to be a good associate of mine. However, she has informed me that though she has her own beliefs and hates religion itself, she does like to get different perspectives on what people believe. I informed her that i was an Ex Jehovah's witness. Immediately she said 'oh i have a person that comes and speaks to me about that on a regular basis.'

    Now EVERYONE that use to be a JW KNOWS where that is heading.....yes? EVERYONE understands what the 'intent' of this 'sister that meets' her is trying to do......yes? I informed her vaguely of what the witnesses had done to me perosnally. She ran out of time (being that it's 1:30am) because her boyfriend was trying to get to sleep. So i informed her tha ti would email her my experiences with the JW's.

    I am asking anyone and everyone that might be interested in contributing to this EMAIL. I want this email to be NICE...but HONEST, and TRUTHFUL. So, I thought 'what better place to get information about people's experiences and what Jehovah's Witnesses believe then this site? Anyone willing to contribute about how they were personally treated by the jws...and offer any information about their false doctrines that i might have forgotten to place...would be GREATLY appreciated. Just make your post.....and make your heard. We all know how jws work...and quite frankly...though i've not known her for a long period of time..i also don't want her to get stuck in the Borg. Thanks guys....i appreciate it.

  • Crumpet

    Feel free to use my bio!

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    Most of you don't remember me

    I remember you - I used to sign here under a different name and then lost all my details - couldn't be bothered to chase them up, so started a new account.

    How's it going dude.

  • cheeseman

    This is my first post when I joined the forum. It's a commentary of my entering and exiting the organisation. Hope this does the trick.

  • Sirona

    Hi Fiveshadow's friend,

    I'll give you my own impression of Jehovahs Witnesses. I was a baptised witness for 10 years and I left at the age of 25.

    The JWs are most certainly a cult. If you read about cult characteristics online that will confirm it. They do believe that theirs is the only "true" christian group in the world and that God will destroy those who are part of "false religion" i.e. any religion that is not JW. Some JWs will admit that God *might* save some others who are not JWs IF and only IF they are exceptional in heart or if they have not had the chance to join the JWs for some reason (like living in a remote area where noone preached to them). But generally they do think that 99% of the worlds population will be killed at armageddon and the only way to be sure of your survival is to be a JW.

    This means that JWs are very fearful. If a JW leaves (to join another religion for instance) they are "disassociated" and shunned completely by their JW friends and family. Many JWs will deny that family shunning goes on, but it is true because I've seen shunning (my friend just got disfellowshipped and her mother, father and siblings have completely cut her off). So you can see the level of control that this group may have. If you are JW and you have doubts, you simply cannot question the authority of the Watchtower society (they disfellowship those who openly question the doctrines), you cannot leave without losing all your friends and family, if you do leave, you might be plagued by the idea that God is going to kill you. They even teach that God does not listen to the prayers of someone who has left the JWs.

    The positive aspects of the religion are that there is a real sense of community in the JW kingdom halls. They do socialise with each other (but not with those who are not JWs...that is frowned upon by use of a scripture which says "bad associations spoil useful habits" 1 cor 15.33 - I remember that scripture because it was drummed into me as a teenager. Anyone NOT JW is a bad association). There is a real boost to your ego being a JW - why? because you think you know all the answers. You think you are part of the elite group of humankind who has the "accurate knowledge" and that all the churches are totally deluded. I remember now (and I cringe inside with shame) how I used to ridicule the churches and laugh at them with my JW friends....we'd say "how stupid they are! how could they possibly believe such a ridiculous doctrine like the trinity! they obviously NEVER read their bibles!" We were so arrogant. It made me feel good when I stood up in the JW kingdom hall and gave talks from the bible (all the talks are closely monitored and the information is from the Watchtower society).

    I'd knock on doors and when someone was interested it was an opportunity to recruit. If you recruit someone, your status in the JWs goes up. You write down on a sheet of paper how many hours you preached in a month, how many books or magazines you gave out and how many "bible studies" you hold. A bible study is when you visit someone in their home and speak to them regularly about the bible, always using a Watchtower book as the study guide (another cult tactic because the books are designed to brainwash). If you're having regular visits you'll be listed as the JW's "bible study". The whole point of this study is to get you to attend the hall, then to get you to join and go out preaching, then get baptised. If you get baptised you must attend all the meetings (3 a week) plus go out knocking on doors (or risk being considered a "bad association" or "weak").

    You get the idea?! This reporting of the preaching a JW does is a way of keeping control on the JWs. Anyone not preaching for enough hours could be "counselled" to preach more. For men, the only way to increased status is to obey all the rules, attend all the meetings, do regular "talks" at the hall AND preach for at least 10 hours a month. A regular JW male can become a "ministerial servant" by doing all of this, then later might be promoted to "elder". A JW male who is neither of these is considered "weaker" than one who achieves this status.

    Women do not get any titles, except if they choose to knock on doors full time (70 hours per month) and then they're called a "pioneer" which means that most of the congregation think they're "strong" and a "good associate" (no matter what they're really like as a person!). Women can do talks but they cannot address the congregation, they have to sit on stage and talk to another woman, while everyone listens. (this is part of the women can't teach the congregation rule....the head of the congregation is Christ, the head of the woman is the man. etc.) Women who are married are to be "in subjection" to their husbands. That means that the husband has the final decision on everything. She must "honour" him. The husband is told to love his wife like she is a "weaker vessel" which apparently means that women are more fragile and should be treated with care. Unfortunately there is so much wife and child beating in the JWs - the men take it literally that they are the "head" of the woman, aswell as "spare the rod spoil the child" philosophy. They say the bible teaches that children should be physically disciplined.

    The problem of child abuse in Jehovahs Witnesses is very serious and very widespread. I know that other religions have also had this problem, but there are differences with the JW religion. Firstly the JWs have a rule where "two witnesses" are required to confirm any wrongdoing. Therefore if a child reports to the elders of a congregation that they have been abused, the elders will ask the child to produce two witnesses to confirm the wrongdoing. The child is one witness....but as you know, it is unlikely that anyone else was there apart from the abuser! So they fail (and have failed many times) to act and they have even been known to not inform the authorities. The reason they don't inform the authorities is because the JWs have a rule about "not taking your brother to court" and "not bringing reproach upon Jehovah's organisation". So they'll do everything to keep anything dirty out of the media and out of the public eye. They've even accepted an abusers "apology" when he / she has admitted to abuse.....and still not informed the authorities! Just recently the scandal came out, but they still haven't changed their 2 witnesses to the abuse rule. They said in a letter that "if the law states that you must report it (in your area) then you must report it" but they are clearly saying that if the law where you live does not enforce reporting it, you don't have to! Interestingly, the first thing elders must do in the case of abuse is not ring the must ring the Headquarters of the Watchtower. Very revealing.

    Add to all this the totally wierd Jesus returned invisibly in 1914 and he still hasn't DONE anything from heaven (how convenient). They said 1914, 1918, 1919, 1925, 1952, 1975 could be years for the end of the world and it didn't they said "we never said it definately would! why did you all sell your houses?" LOL They say blood is to be avoided, but then they allow JWs to accept blood fractions (which IMHO is totally hypocritical!!!). They didn't allow organ transplants for a while, so JWs died because of it, then they said, OH we think organ transplants are OK now, without any apology to the families of those who died because of their silly doctrine. And what is all this about 144000 going to heaven? They take that number in revelation literally but admit that the rest of the chapter is symbolic (surely the number 144000 is symbolic as a calculation relating to the 12 tribes of israel?). That is just scratching the surface of the strange teachings they have.

    They'd have you think that they are just a nice little christian group. This is how they recruit - lull you into a false sense of security and gradually get you to accept all of these wierd doctrines.

    Don't get me wrong, many of them are sincere. I have family who are JWs and they really do believe it. I know, I believed it too, until I did my research and realised how truly ignorant I'd been. I cringe now at how I critisised other religions, because since leaving JWs I have met some people whose knowledge of the bible would put any JW to shame. I've met people so deeply spiritual and I realise I never knew what spirituality was when I was a JW.


  • squinks


    With Pleaure!!!!!

    One very important thing to remember is that Jehovah's Witnesses take their religion VERY seriously. It is their life and no one and nothing else matters. They take it all literally. Not like religions that ban birth control and the people have small families anyway.

    If Jehovah's Witnesses banned birth control, you better have a darned good reason for having a small family!!!

    Another VERY IMPORTANT thing to keep in mind is that you are not to have friends or close ties to outsiders, including family. In the beginning, the Jehovah's Witnesses will suger-coat this fact.

    It is VITAL that anyone considering becoming one of Jehovah's Witnesses remember that outside friends are not allowed. The reason is that it gives the Jehovah's Witness organization too much power over your life.

    Never give away the power over your life!!

    Ask a Jehovah's Witness if they have close friends, I emphasize CLOSE FRIENDS outside of the religion, then listen VERY CAREFULLY to the answer, you will find that they give a vague or deceitful anwser. Such as "we are friendly with all people" To be friendly with all people is not the same as having close friendships!!!!!

    Be Careful!!!

    Deb, an ex-Jehovah's Witness

    By the way, I was a very devoted, raised to it, Jehovah's Witness. I believed passionately and with all my heart.

  • Frog

    Hi Fiveshadows, I can undestand why you feel a strong need to inform your friend, I think we would all react the same in this situation! But perhaps you could redirect her to this website, tell her to be openminded to the information she is reading, so that she can get a balanced view and make a decision for herself. Perhaps give her just some background on the people that post here.

    froglett xox

  • love11

    My bio- I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness from infancy. My father at one point was a ministerial servant and my mother and I were auxiliary pioneers. At 18 I was disfellowshipped. Over the years, I have lost everyone in my family except an occasional phone call from my sisters .(No calls anymore). All of my friends except for one are gone as well. Currently, My husband and I have been faithfully and lovingly married for 10 years. We have two wonderful children together and enjoy the happiness they bring to our lives. At first, life away from the organization was hell, but now I am living in a "paradise on earth". I wrote most of my story under these two links, look under love11 I think that after seeing everyone's experiences and comments on what the jw's are really like, she'll see past their smiling faces and see what it's really about.

  • love2Bworldly

    I have a few tidbits to add.

    Make sure you explain to her that it is often not until after baptism that you find out all the many many rules you are expected to live under or face 'marking' or shunning. When you are studying, they love to talk about a lot of things being a 'conscience' matter--but how conveniently that changes after baptism, suddenly your privileges within the congregation can be taken away over so-called 'conscience' matters.

    Many repentant individuals are still disfellowshipped.

    You are never ever to question any beliefs or do your own research as that is labeled 'apostacy'.

    Any interests, hobbies, vacation time, people you spend time with, preaching time, basically everything and anything in your life that you enjoy will now come under a magnifying glass of scrutiny and everything is related to Satan and the 'world'.

    All humans outside the JW's are evil people about to be destroyed.

    Tons of information on the internet about all the lies, deception and false prophecies of the WBTS, but oh yeah you are not allowed to read that.

    I could go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, etc, etc, etc, etc.

  • jaffacake


    I have some big articles about the process of becoming a JW. If you pm me with an email address I'll send you the file. Can't recall which website I downloaded it from, but its good. Pity my friend is past the stage where he'll look at it.

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