Bethel: Pathway to Apostasy

by Black Man 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • tijkmo
    to not being sociable with co-workers

    the irony just knocks me out...tijkmo

  • LongHairGal

    Black Man:

    Actually for "little Johnny" being sent home is a blessing in disguise. At least he's young enough to go back to college and make something of himself!!
    Try doing that in middle age!

    But the real evil here is their veil of deception in not being up-front about the real reason. They would rather somebody go slinking back home feeling awful - for the wrong reason. They really deserve to be punished. I don't care how but they should be punished.


  • greendawn

    Black man that's a great posting an insider's information it really exposes the mythology around the faithful and discreet servant that carries so much weight with the brainless dubs who think of them as being on a sky high pedestal and lap up uncritically everything they tell them, whereas they are nothing but fakes of the real thing and deceitful impostors and manipulators. The rule of the 8000 strong anointed remanent is of course a myth as all power was grabbed by the few GB members who consider them as nothing worth consulting on anything whatsoever.

    But are they now anti hip hop music as they had before been anti disco music?

  • zugzwang

    Another thing that I found ironic about Bethel is that everybody there was a drunk! Including me. Before going I didn't drink that much and after leaving I didn't drink that much. But while there it just seemed like everyone drank. And not just the young ones, older ones too. Especially during Gilead graduation day. I remember one time going to lunch at the 30 Columbia Hts dining room and laughing my ass off as Theodore Jaracz interviewed a couple of the graduation students. His cheeks were rosy, his eyes were dialated, he had obviously had too much to drink. But it was okay because so had everyone else. But I guess that shouldn't have been surprising, after all Rutherford was an alcoholic and with all you have to put up with at Bethel you need to drink, a lot!

  • jeanniebeanz

    Yeah, I heard the stories from returning bethelites too. The one that used to really bug me was that they always seemed to be hungry. Not very big portions allowed in the cafeteria, I guess.

    one of the Overseers reasoned that Bethel was a "forgleam" of the new system.

    That line really made me sick...


  • zugzwang

    Actually food was never a problem, there was always food. Drunkenness and gluttony were rampant out there. Now quality of food, that's another story. You could eat as much as you wanted but the food wasn't always worth eating.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings Black Man & FeeWilly

    Wow, those points you guys make are great! I never thought of it, but going there must lift a giant, bogus, "spiritual shroud" And shows the WTBS as business as usual.

    Cool you two


    "Don't you go dyin' on me now"

  • ithinkisee

    Yeah, no one really knows much about Bethel, and often even the ones that leave under not-so-good circumstances never tell.

    I had some good memories ... heh ... I posted them here:


  • rebel8
    At the 'Big House' you go either one of two ways, company man or apostate. is so much easier to put people into a short list of categories, rather than taking the trouble of seeing people for who they are as individuals. If only real life was that easy.

    This thread is making me nauseous. They bug people's phones and search people's rooms? WTF? And what exactly do they do with the "evidence"? Do they say, "Hey Bro so-and-so, I found a _______ while searching your room" or "I heard your call about your g-job", letting the person know they were being spied upon?

    Ironic that the people who publish the literature telling people not to snoop (yeah right) are snooping themselves. If the searches and bugging are not evidence of a cult, I don't know what is.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    ...sounds like a totalitarian nightmare. George Orwell , anyone?

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