Man Has a Soul. What do You Believe Now?

by Treborr Jones 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF

    We are animals. We are flesh. Our personality is determined by the hormones and electrochemical activity in our brains. This is why medicine can be used to calm psychotics and schizophrenics. This is why chronically depressed people can live normal lives with the right medication. This is why people who have a functioning set of moral standards behave differently when drunk.

    An immortal soul existing independently of this body and occupying it as though it were a car, would not be affected by changes to the car's engine.

    I had struggled to understand the connection between the physical body and this supposedly separate soul, all during the time I was a Baptist and after I left that church in search of something that made sense. This is why I responded so readily to the witnesses' message when I heard it: it had the clear ring of truth to it. It was plain, simple, honest: there is no immortal soul. We are our bodies. That much is true.


  • bboyneko




    Damnit, lost another gooey chunk of my soul again

  • ladonna

    I believe I have a soul, but not as defined by anything religious and totally without religious connotations.

    My soul is the 'me' that resides within.....sometimes the 'me' that no one else sees.

    It is not a tangible object and therefore not something that one can easily describe.

    I would say that I feel (for example) that my music comes from my soul. The closest I can get to describing 'soul' is sense of inner self.


    Some Birds Were Not Meant To Be Caged

  • gumby

    Just wanted to introduce myself to the board as this is my first time .I look forward to joining in and feel this is a good honest forum with not much b.s.Much food for thought here and good questions. Talk at ya all later.....

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