DF'd and dirty looks

by loosie 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mnb77

    I am very sorry to hear that your friend has been df. If i were you, I would tell her to start examining the teaching of this group(JW). Check out a book Jehovah's Witnesses Answered: Verse by Verse by David A. Reed. It showed me a lot of how the group was not following Christ's examples. It even touches on the df stuff and how it is destroying the church not showing the restoration power of Jehovah.

    With her time apart from the fellowship, she can examine all she has been taught.

    blessings b-w/-u

  • jeanniebeanz

    Sorry to hear that your friend is going through this, Loosie. The dirty looks are to be expected from this bunch, they think they are helping her.

    Maybe they are; is she up to looking at the group with a more critical eye? The best thing for her would be to have her eyes opened to just what kind of religion this is.


  • Dustin

    They probably would say that's not good enough. She needs to come inside and show repentance for what she's done. It's too bad she can't just see through the lies.

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One
    remember being told that the elders also want to observe whether or not one sings and whether they have underlined the study articles. Funny, I don't recall seeing that in the scriptures.

    And based on my recent Memorial experience, even when they do have things "based" on scripture, the scriptures themselves are taken remarkably out of context~!

    My (currently DF'd) wife told me they expect you to be present in front of the people. She was having crying spells at one point previously when she was being reproved for a while and said the elders wanted her to be in the main meeting, which she was having a very hard time doing.

    I wish it were me instead of her; I'd be drawing pictures of the elders picking their own @sses, etc. and let them catch me underlining that~! Of course, that'd be easy for me to do since I don't agree at all with their views and DF'ing/shunning policies even though I'm sure there are decent elders out there that internally agree some of these policies are just simply hurtful and medievally ignorant.

  • greendawn

    I don't know what all you guys are doing in the USA with so many people coming out of the borg you should have organised by now a fully fledged inter state institution to counter the WTS and its venomous actions to receive encourage integrate each other and those to come out in the future to deprogram them fast and wholly so they won't have to suffer emotionally and be crippled in life for years and years.

    To feel lost and powerless upon exiting is precisely what the Brooklyn mind manipulators want so that you cannot organise resistance and hit them back hard for the disgraceful way they treated you with the right organisation and counter propaganda you could have demolished them by now. They want you demoralised and confused so you can't react effectively.

    Form your own organisation that will have everything they supressed brotherly love christian freedom a good culture a humane face no cold hearted dictators and devious thinkers and lousy authoritarians.

    Then no one would have to suffer the humiliations described, going back to be further tormented by these criminals.This diabolical game has to stopped in its tracks.

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