Should they "pay" for believing all these years?

by JustTickledPink 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • JustTickledPink

    I finally started reading Ray Franz book and was reading the part how he ends up with little to no money, buying a trailer in MS. I thought about my own mother, who sacrificed a lot in the name of the "truth" meaning she only worked part time jobs so that she could pioneer, she didn't accumulate money or buy herself a nice house, she continued to believe and still does that Armeggedon is around the corner.

    Some of these people have literally sacrificed their whole lives. At this point they may or may not come to the realization that Armeggedon isn't coming. Whether they are still waiting for it or not, many of them have gotten old and they may not have paid a lot into social security, they may have a very limited income, may live in trailers or whatever. They may not be able to afford health insurance.

    I think about my mom, who still doesn't talk to me, and wonder should she "pay" for what she believed in all these years? Like the old scripture, "you reap what you sow," at this point in her 60's she should have a retirement or some savings but she doesn't. Can a person rightly blame them and think it's their fault, it's their bad choices, much like a crack addict makes choices that might lead him to living on the streets. Is it anyone's fault other than their own? I know we can blame the WTS for lying to them, but they also had freedom of choice. Is it justice if someone shuns their family and ends up not getting the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

    I feel conflicted in many ways about this. I actually am compassionate and helpful. I do charity work, I try to help others, but sometimes when it comes to a person's choices sometimes I feel like it suits them right after condemning everyone else to NOT get what they were waiting for.

  • Undecided

    Brother Booth,

    when the kingdom will never fail or die

    I thought the Kingdom was established in 1874 or 1914 or whenever. What has it done so far? Maybe IT won't die, but we sure will before it does anything for mankind. I have seen my grandparents die, my parents die, and now I'm close to my death, all believing Armageddon was just around the corner. Now the generation thing has been lengthened to whenever it might be. Give us a break.

    Ken P.

  • garybuss

    "Jehovah's Witnesses have never believed that the Kingdom of God will be on earth."
    The Watchtower April 1, 1985 p. 30

  • garybuss

    "We must appreciate that many people choose the worse rather than the better, that growth is often a painful process...."

    Abraham Maslow, Motivation and Personality

  • Undecided

    Well, Brother Booth, when we go back to dust I think we are dead, unless you believe the soul idea, that it lives on someplace. If we live again, we have to be created again. If that is the case, why are some resurrected to judgement since they were recreated by God, does he recreate them sinfull? I thought death was the penalty for sin and when it was paid you were free from it. The bible sure is confusing.

    Ken P.

  • ButtLight
    In Yahshua's Footsteps,

    What exactly is this?

  • Heatmiser

    Mr. Booth, quit hijacking everybody elses threads for your spam. You started a thread on this topic. KEEP IT IN THERE!!!!

  • JustTickledPink

    Ok, not sure what happened to my thread, but I still pose the original question.

  • wanderlustguy

    Personally I would have to determine if I could even help without hurting myself too much. Maybe you could find some sort of vindication in knowing your mother would know YOU helped her if that is what happened. Some people I think deserve it, but not just because of their beleifs, but like you said, their judgement of others.

    I guess it could come down to the kind of person you are, whether you would withhold assistance assuming you can spare whatever the assistance would take from you. There are some I would not help, but when it comes to family, all the rules go out the window. Personally I would like to think I would have some mercy...but that's me.

  • under74

    I understand what you're talking about JTP. It's about the same with my mom even though she's not a JW any longer. She still hasn't taken any responsibility for choosing the religion she did. Anytime I bring up the JWs she freaks. I don't point fingers at her any longer...but I still bring up JWs because I know that if she would just come to terms with her own choices in life she'd be able to deal with it and move on...instead it's paxil and prozac.

    Sometimes I blame her but I know if she'd just fess up to it--take some responsibility I'd be able to let it go.

    Does this make any sense?

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