It must be of concern to the GB with all the information that is been leaked now

by joe134cd 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • OrphanCrow
    JWgonebad: the  whole  world  will catch 'Jehovah' and higher-ups with  their  pants down! 

    Eeeeewwww. You had to do that, didn't you? Now I have this horrible image in my head.

    Fat old men with their pants down.


  • StarTrekAngel
    Divide and conquer...
  • DesirousOfChange

    WTS is built on secrets.

    It's how they keep members thinking they are "special".

    There are secret elders meetings; secret elders books; secret letter for only the BOE; special meetings for pioneers; special books for pioneers; special privileges of service; special titles like elder, MS, pioneer, yada yada yada

    From the very beginning, every JW is "special" because they have been "chosen" (hand-picked) BY JEHOVAH.


  • wifibandit
    If Hollywood can't stop leaks with all its money and education, How could an anti-education and backwards GB hope to keep things secret?  They clearly don't know "how teh webz wurk".  
  • NewYork44M

    That internet thing is a two-edged sword. It is great, until it isn't any more. The two most recent embarrassments including the happy bethel video and the complete (in all it's boredom) KH special meeting.

    Then you have everyone making fun of the singing cart.   

  • Vidiot

    DesirousOfChange - "There are secret elders meetings; secret elders books; secret letter for only the BOE; special meetings for pioneers; special books for pioneers; special privileges of service; special titles like elder, MS, pioneer, yada yada yada"

    Yup... the WTS is a "Secret Society" wannabe.

  • jwleaks

    Did someone say leaks.


  • Jeannette
    I'm wondering whether or not the leaks are coming from a disgruntled D.O. that's going to be kicked to the curb. They thought for years they'd be getting a nice apartment in their old age, eating prepared food, being tended to by little enthusiastic J.W. slaves, and instead they'll be living in a trailor somewhere, maybe California, have to live off S.S., buy and prepare their own food, pay for any help they get. Unless, of course, the congregation does it for free. It'd make me tattle.

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