I hope this memorial doesnt backfire ...........

by fleaman uk 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty
    Jesus told you to drink the wine.

    The WTBTS told you not to.

    Drink the wine.

    Eat the bread.

    Lightning doesn't come out of the sky and kill you, or I would be dead meat.

    Who do you trust?

    Damn right, I'm going to drink it. Not to demean the observance but I would rather have the wrath of the apostate JW religion than make a public display of rejecting Christ and the importance of His shed blood. One day the dubs are going to wish they had had the meal when they find out that Jesus is going to be the one who judges their acceptance or denial of Him tomorrow night.

  • AuntieJane

    You've surely read the stories of spouses who are not JW. Why even risk it? Tell her upfront more about WHY you only go once a year; then suggest that you both find a church to go to on Easter and see what showing respect for Jesus is really about. I'm serious. Don't let her risk the chance of being misled. IF you both go, print out some of the descriptions of the Memorial and why it is so against what Jesus wanted us to do...we aren't to reject him, we are ALL to accept him and partake and eat.

  • jaffacake


    If you are keen to pay your respects to Jesus will you be obeying his commandment to all His disciples, eat, drink...do this in remembrance of me? If not, there are other Christian congregations where you could do what Jesus taught.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    If not, there are other Christian congregations where you could do what Jesus taught.

    details please Jaffacake?

    thanks to all the responses...i am fairly sure thta she would never become involved with the Witnesses,i dont consider it that much of a risk.it just surprised me as to how willing she is to go .

  • DevonMcBride

    Get her the book Releasing The Bonds by Steven Hassan. This book explains "love bombing" and other tactics the JW's and religious cults use to gain trust and membership. If she had read the book prior to going to the Memorial, it would be interesting for her to see everything Steve Hassan and other counter cult counselor describe really at play in the Kingdom Hall. Since the Memorial is tomorrow night, she won't have time to read it, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't read it at all. The book speaks of some of the behavorial traits and psychological problems that ex-members face and at the very least, she'll understand your feelings a little more. It also teaches the reader how to determine if a group is mind controling and could prevent her from getting involved. Since this book is written for all controling groups, it doesn't specifically pick on the JW's.

    Maybe you could find an article on www.freeminds.org about love bombing and she could read it prior to the Memorial.

  • marsal

    **i do believe in Jesus and really just have a very, very powerful urge to pay my respects to him.

    That's wonderful, fleaman, but it is all the more reason why you should not attend the Memorial service at the KH. There is very little respect for Jesus there.

  • jgnat

    Another way to inoculate her from the love-bombing is to ask her to be alert for the NON-eating and NON-drinking of the wine. Did the speech explaining this NON participation make sense to her?

    Here's a description of regular Christian communion:



    This third link looks like the kind of church I would enjoy going to. Lots of activity, lots of stuff going on.


    But I kinda like the home-made bread and wine celebration. Sounds like fun.

  • jaffacake

    Fleaman UK

    I'm one to talk, I'm going to my first ever memorial with my friend and his family, and I've been told by people on this site not to partake. Until this week I thought some would partake. See my thread of a couple of days ago "memorial advice please".

    I am reluctant to recommend any church or denomination, as I do not attend any, but there are many many denominational and non denomination congregations who do it as Jesus taught. Perhaps look on internet for christians who you may have common beliefs with. I know that many worship more in line with 1st century followers than JWs, but I'm not a good example to follow.

    I still have doubts and have not attended Christian congregations regularly for more than 20 years, and the last time I drang the wine & ate the bread was at a Seventh Day Adventist "Central Hall". From what I've heard almost identical to the JW service, except those of us who had been immersed partook. A word of warning. It was the adventists who taught CT Russell many of the WTS doctrines including 1914, etc etc.

    Good wished for the service, for me it will be a new experience.

  • Unclepenn1

    If you want to honor Jesus, than stay away from the Kingdom Hall. They have the wrong Jesus, my friend. The Jesus of the Bible is not Michael the Archangel. Try a Protestant service this weekend perhaps, one with real worship and real homage to Jesus. Just my 2c., Penn

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    That's wonderful, fleaman, but it is all the more reason why you should not attend the Memorial service at the KH. There is very little respect for Jesus there.

    I really cant agree with that,having been in the Org for 30 Years Man and Boythat really isnt the case.Much of the teachings are of course wrong,but i could never deny they Disrespected Jesus.


    Thanks for the reply.I wish you well.Its your first memorial?You clearly werent ever a Witness then.

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