The Proof!!!!: The Use of Explosives on 911 at the World Trade Center Compl

by Ianone 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ianone

    When The Explosives Were Placed: WTC South Tower Upper Floors Closed on 9/8 & 9/9

    San Francisco Indymedia | April 23 2004

    Many people have theorized the World Trade Center was wired with explosives, causing the unprecedented collapse following the impacts of two jumbo jets. In fact, NYC firefighters remarked that day that it seemed like bombs were going off in the buildings, just prior to the tower's collapse. One glaring question remains unanswered: exactly how and when could such a monumental undertaking be accomplished. Read on for the answer...

    Feedback from the Progressive Review's Undernews for April 22, 2004.

    WE RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING from someone who worked for Fiduciary Trust on the 90th, 94-97th floors of the South Tower:

    "On the weekend of 9/8,9/9 there was a 'power down' condition in WTC tower 2, the south tower. This power down condition meant there was no electrical supply for approx 36 hrs from floor 50 up. I am aware of this situation since I work in IT and had to work with many others that weekend to ensure that all systems were cleanly shutdown beforehand ... and then brought back up afterwards. The reason given by the WTC for the power down was that cabling in the tower was being upgraded ...

    "Of course without power there were no security cameras, no security locks on doors and many, many 'engineers' coming in and out of the tower. I was at home on the morning of 9/11 on the shore of Jersey City, right opposite the Towers, and watching events unfold I was convinced immediately that something was happening related to the weekend work."

    Related links: Bombs in the Towers - WTC 7 Imploded by Silverstein, FDNY and Others

  • Heatmiser
    then you must consider planes that are taking off, and such planes are fully laden with fuel.

    Uhh....Planes don't get lost on take off, they know exactly where they are at at that point of the journey. It is later in the flight where navigation errors manifest themselves. Off course we are talking about the 60's where navigation was more manual than it is now.

  • Ianone

    Ok here is Associated Press people

    Steel Not Seen As Factor in WTC Collapse

    By DEVLIN BARRETT Associated Press Writer

    GAITHERSBURG, Md. (AP) -- Early tests on steel beams from the World Trade Center show they generally met or were stronger than design requirements, ruling them out as a contributing cause of the collapse of the towers, federal investigators said Wednesday.

    Engineers with the National Institute of Standards and Technology have conducted preliminary tests on some of the 236 pieces of steel from the wreckage, said Frank Gayle, who is leading NIST's review of the steel.

    The tests found that, typical for construction steel used in the 1960s when the World Trade Center was erected, the steel beams exceeded requirements to bear 36,000 pounds per square inch. Often they were capable of bearing around 42,000 pounds per square inch.

    "What that is showing us is that the steel that was applied certainly met the specifications, but was also significantly higher in some instances," lead investigator Shyam Sunder said.

    A group of victims' families, the Skyscraper Safety Campaign, had complained that a majority of the beams from the site were quickly shipped off and reprocessed into new steel before it could be tested.

    Sunder cautioned the NIST's results were preliminary, but said if those findings continue in further testing, that would rule out weak steel as a contributing factor in the collapse.

    The steel testing was discussed Wednesday at the end of a two-day meeting with NIST officials about the Sept. 11 investigation.

    The two-year probe is designed to create a model of the fire and collapse, enabling NIST, which is part of the Commerce Department, to make recommendations for improved fire and safety codes in building construction.

    The Skyscraper Safety Campaign's Sally Regenhard, whose firefighter son was killed at the site, said she doubted NIST's findings.

    "I don't really feel that they have a representative sample of all the steel," Regenhard said.

    James Quintieri, a professor at the University of Maryland who is consulting with the Skyscraper Safety Campaign, said key questions, about the steel's strength under intense heat, and the overall design of the building, remain unanswered.

    In coming months, NIST will recreate sections of the building's floor trusses, and conduct large-scale fire endurance tests on them to determine how the floors of the towers responded to the twin stresses of impact by a jet plane and a continuing fire.

    The NIST group also discussed its investigation of the Rhode Island nightclub fire last February, which killed 100 people. Investigators will use the results of their investigation to make recommendations for improvements to fire and building codes.

    At the meeting, some complained investigators were being delayed by prosecutors and civil lawyers denying them access to critical information, including the exact makeup of the soundproofing foam that burst into flames at the nightclub.

    Lead investigator Bill Grosshandler said his team has to date gathered only about 20 percent of the information on the makeup of different materials in the building, but said it was still early in the fact-gathering process.

    Others, including NIST's Dr. Jack Snell, seemed frustrated with the agency's access to information. The investigation is proceeding under an act of Congress passed last year aimed to use NIST expertise to probe building disasters.

    "The whole motivation for this law was timely investigations," said Snell. "We're not doing timely investigations."


    On the Net:

    National Institute of Standards and Technology:

    Copyright 2003 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

  • Ianone

    ok something is wrong here, the article got clipped. let me try this again

    Steel Not Seen As Factor in WTC Collapse

    By DEVLIN BARRETT Associated Press Writer

    GAITHERSBURG, Md. (AP) -- Early tests on steel beams from the World Trade Center show they generally met or were stronger than design requirements, ruling them out as a contributing cause of the collapse of the towers, federal investigators said Wednesday.

    Engineers with the National Institute of Standards and Technology have conducted preliminary tests on some of the 236 pieces of steel from the wreckage, said Frank Gayle, who is leading NIST's review of the steel.

    The tests found that, typical for construction steel used in the 1960s when the World Trade Center was erected, the steel beams exceeded requirements to bear 36,000 pounds per square inch. Often they were capable of bearing around 42,000 pounds per square inch.

    "What that is showing us is that the steel that was applied certainly met the specifications, but was also significantly higher in some instances," lead investigator Shyam Sunder said.

    A group of victims' families, the Skyscraper Safety Campaign, had complained that a majority of the beams from the site were quickly shipped off and reprocessed into new steel before it could be tested.

    Sunder cautioned the NIST's results were preliminary, but said if those findings continue in further testing, that would rule out weak steel as a contributing factor in the collapse.

    The steel testing was discussed Wednesday at the end of a two-day meeting with NIST officials about the Sept. 11 investigation.

    The two-year probe is designed to create a model of the fire and collapse, enabling NIST, which is part of the Commerce Department, to make recommendations for improved fire and safety codes in building construction.

    The Skyscraper Safety Campaign's Sally Regenhard, whose firefighter son was killed at the site, said she doubted NIST's findings.

    "I don't really feel that they have a representative sample of all the steel," Regenhard said.

    James Quintieri, a professor at the University of Maryland who is consulting with the Skyscraper Safety Campaign, said key questions, about the steel's strength under intense heat, and the overall design of the building, remain unanswered.

    In coming months, NIST will recreate sections of the building's floor trusses, and conduct large-scale fire endurance tests on them to determine how the floors of the towers responded to the twin stresses of impact by a jet plane and a continuing fire.

    The NIST group also discussed its investigation of the Rhode Island nightclub fire last February, which killed 100 people. Investigators will use the results of their investigation to make recommendations for improvements to fire and building codes.

    At the meeting, some complained investigators were being delayed by prosecutors and civil lawyers denying them access to critical information, including the exact makeup of the soundproofing foam that burst into flames at the nightclub.

    Lead investigator Bill Grosshandler said his team has to date gathered only about 20 percent of the information on the makeup of different materials in the building, but said it was still early in the fact-gathering process.

    Others, including NIST's Dr. Jack Snell, seemed frustrated with the agency's access to information. The investigation is proceeding under an act of Congress passed last year aimed to use NIST expertise to probe building disasters.

    "The whole motivation for this law was timely investigations," said Snell. "We're not doing timely investigations."


    On the Net:

    National Institute of Standards and Technology:

    Copyright 2003 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I say to those that take this all lightly, do you really think that your government is always working for your best interest at all times? Do you take everything at face value? Maybe if there was an independent investigation into the 9/11 events, without government interference, all hearings/inquiry panels open to the public, there would be no conspiracy theories. I know President Ford, who is the last surviving member of the warren commission that investigated the JFK assassination, said that those hearings should have all been open to the public, thus it would have answered a lot of the questions that are still being asked today. So the JFK assassinations and the 9/11, why all the secrecy if there is nothing to hide? Will

  • Ianone
  • stillajwexelder

    And you know that Churchill was delighted for December 7th 1941 - perhaps it was the British who sank the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor - just so the good ole USA would join WW2 - and man did not land on the moon and I shot JFK

  • seawolf

    Sheesh, next thing you're going to do is say the US lied about WMDs in Iraq.

  • stillajwexelder

    There is a strong smell in here and it is not burning Jet Kerosene/Avaition Fuel it is the smell of


  • Ianone

    ummmmm, seawolf, I dont know if you are on this planet but, there was no WMD found in Iraq.

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