OK to Check In?

by troubled 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Esmeralda

    Hi Troubled,

    I'm glad to hear from you honey, I was so concerned last night.

    I can only echo what the others have said, I'm glad you're still talking. You're going through some really tough things right now...most of us have been there and know that you will be fine...you'll make it out the other side. Just hang in there and keep talking. We're listening.


    p.s. Oh, there IS one thing I can add to the other posts... Don't pay any mind to You Know.

    The Four Agreements:
    Be Impeccable With Your Word
    Don't Take Anything Personally
    Don't Make Assumptions
    Always Do Your Best

  • COMF

    They were here for me while I sorted it all out, Troubled. That was five years ago. They, and I, will be here for you, too. Take your time; there's no rush. Relax. It's going to be okay. It really is.


  • JT


    we wish you well

    don't pay YK any attention- just think he has been on this site for awhile and he still has his blinders on- pretty sad

    just think in a few more months Troubled will be out and free and our boy YK will still be talking about Wall Street is crashing in 3 more days stuff

    hey you got to love it

    each time this guy post it just reaffirms in my mind the reason i left

    to see a poor soul like YK who think he will sit next to Jesus in a few months is so sad to watch

    hey man you really need to consider gettting into the music biz like you mentioned you had a desire to

    in a few yrs you will be to old to even "Stratch" an album

    feeling sorry for Outcast JW like YK


  • messenger

    Something I wrote one troubled night, perhaps it can help....

    I lost my heart when I used my mind
    It is a road many have traveled, an uncertain path wrought with fear and adversity, yet a journey that for many must be completed or they will never feel at peace. When a person has heart, they may be described as motivated, a leader, a person who draws others to their cause. Such was the case with I, everything, every fiber of my being was immersed in dedication to a cause I felt was the only sense that could be made of life as we know it in the world we live in. As all humans are given a gift to find or when discovered to use to feel fulfillment in life, so was I given a unique gift I discovered at a young age and that was to teach. I found great satisfaction in being able to impart in creative ways knowledge that would in turn motivate many to expend themselves in what I thought would be the best way of life. So many lives I have touched with a smug satisfaction that over time has evaporated into despair at realizing I was used as a tool to waste the lives of so many. Somewhere along the way this creative mind I was given began to turn against my heart, my motivation, everything I placed as important in life. How could it do this to me? I fought for years to forget, suppress and simply not think of troubling issues, but my mind could not be lobotomized into motivated activity without reason. It was a battle, a war with all the pain and anguish that destroys the innocence of young boys who go in with a noble cause, then come out forever changed after enduring the results that war produces. Very similar was my battle, not with guns or bullets, but instead, with heart and mind, an internal conflict complete with charging victories and withering surrenders that exhaust the body and torment your soul. Would it ever end? Would I destroy myself before a victory could be found? The only solution I could find was to make a decision, as indecision is what wastes a person’s sanity. I must set a time, a limit as to when victory would be declared one way or the other. Whatever the consequences I would accept and move on with my life. I gave it a year, as that year progressed my mind began to bombard my heart with the heavy artillery of reason. The harder I tried to work, the heavier the blast of trying to find the reason why. I could feel my heart beginning to concede, my joy, was no more. The very thing from which I drew the most pleasure, teaching others creatively, became a heavy load that came to the point of feeling physically ill when I approached the platform. I did away with all notes, research and study, it was too painful, I just spoke from my heart, a heart that was losing the battle, yet would fight courageously like a loyal knight defending the honor of a corrupt king in a cause he knew he could not win. Finally the battle ended, like the eerie silence that drifts over a war zone at the end of the day, there was no celebration, no party, no jubilation, instead a sad realization it was finally over.

    My mind had won a hard fought victory with excellent strategy and complete superiority had destroyed the enemy. But this was not the enemy, it was an old friend, something I had dispatched so handily in the heat of battle, now lay before me slowly dieing with nothing but pleading in his eyes for me to save him somehow. An old friend who had came through for me so many times, who always had my back when trouble threatened, who picked me up when I was down and kept me going. Even though he was misguided how could I have hurt him so?
    I feel I must gently pick him up, take him to a safe place, and carefully nurse him back to health. He must be saved for he is my heart my motivation for finding a cause to fight for. You see even though my mind won the battle, without my heart I lose the war.
    It is a long process, much like a wounded soldier, the rehabilitation is a slow and arduous progression. The trust is no longer there, the will to fight, while still a twinkle, quickly gives out when too much is asked. I recall the saying, “sometimes it just takes time to heal.” I know I must not give up on it, but I feel my heart will never be the same and I hope that change will be realized someday as for the better. Perhaps this story can be a reminder to remember to not lose your heart when you use your mind.

  • Roamingfeline

    Hi Troubled,

    Glad you posted again. You are very welcome here. In fact, there are alot of us who were once standing in the same spot you are right now. About the same age at that time, too. It's a huge shock to the system when you first wake up to the "real" truth of what life is actually all about. Give yourself time. Take small steps. We're here for you, and you wILL make it.

    As far as what You Know said? Those same, empty words were said to me many times also. And that's all they were: empty words. If the congregation is not there for you, as You Know freely admitted sometimes happens, what does that say for that organization as a whole? I'll tell you what: It lacks love. And Love is something that the Bible said would be an identifying mark of the true religion. So it stands to reason that you Know's reasoning is all wet. Besides, who says that the Bible is the last word on the subject anyway?

    Hugs, and we're here for you,

  • BoozeRunner

    Hi Troubled,
    Good to see you once again. Check in as often as you have the desire to do so.
    Yes, we will continue to be here for you, as we all know what you are going thru. Give yourself a pat on the back for being courageous enough to confront your fears instead of simply putting the Rose-Colored Glasses back on.
    I know how scary this awakening can be at the outset. But you will make it through. As others have offered, you may e-mail me at any time.


  • Farkel


    : I just felt the need to check in. I don't know why.

    You don't need a reason to "check in." This is not a Cult. This is a disucssion board with a broad range of freedoms to talk about all kinds of stuff. I'm one of those who is glad you are here, and I will illustrate how we can use these "broad range of freedoms" here and now:

    To You Know,

    Go fuck yourself, asshole. You are the dickhead, self-serving jerk from hell. Your comments in this thread totally disgusts me, but then again, you see disgusting people as part of your mission: so go fuck yourself, asshole.

    See how that works, troubled? We can say real stuff here! This is not WatchtowerWorld(tm) where they tell you not only what to say, but what to think.

    I'm not suggesting that you should use any "colorful metaphors," though!

    I like them from time-to-time. They make the point when other stuff doesn't work.


  • seven006


    There is a time to make a point and a time to have a little compassion. I would like to say I'm surprised at you but Iv seen you do this kind of thing before. With all your intelligence and your concern for your religion it would be nice to see you step out of the evangelist mode just once and show a little true love and concern for a fellow human being. I understand how strong your convictions are but come on man, give it a rest just this once and say something a little less JW and a little more Robert. I know there has to be a little bit of humanity somewhere inside of you. It wouldn't kill you to show it once in a while.We all know where you are coming from, you have made that clear many times. This time it isn't about you, it's about someone else. Try and grasp that concept if you can.

    Remember, love is not puffed up with pride.

  • larc


    I wouldn't put it as strongly as Farkel, but I agree with him and 006. You Know, with all his verbiage is offering you more of the same, and that isn't working. He is saying, Do you REALLY trust in Jehovah. Do you REALLy seek out your brothers and sisters. First, of all, brothers and sisters are not equiped to help you with your very real emotional problems. You need professional help. For whatever social support, those at the Hall could give you, it is clear from what you wrote yesterday, they have not volunteered to give it. This is typical. They are too busy with the "works" they are told to perform, that they can't see the need of those suffering in their midst.

    As far as your relationship with Jehovah is concerned, I think you need deal with this matter within the privacy of your own thoughts, and not look to the organization as an intermediary. You can have your own relationship with Jehovah as you choose to.

    One other thought, that I touched on before: I think that it is important to be completely honest with your therapist. If you hold back in what you tell him about your fears and doubts, because you might "bring reproach on Jehovah's organization", you will greatly hinder your progress. After therapy, you may decide to remain a Witness or you may leave. I think you have to let the chips fall where they may. Your personal happiness is more important than where this journey may take you. You can still love Jehovah in either case.

  • ladonna


    Welcome. My thoughts are with you.

    The others have given excellent advice.....I cannot add to that, but always feel free to come here amongst those of us that understand pain!!!


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