apostate questions

by stevenyc 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • toreador


  • lonelysheep

    Hypocrite makes complete sense, while apostate fits their own dogma.

  • stevenyc


    Then I said, "Mom, is it possible to be an apostate if you only speak the truth?" She said, "I refuse to answer." I asked why. "Because I can see where you're going with that question." I was extremely disappointed in that answer, for obvious reasons. It gradually dawned on me that most JWs are exactly the same way -- they know that some of the Society's teachings are nonsense, but refuse to take the obvious step of doing something about it. So they pretend to themselves not to have seen such questions. A completely Orwellian response -- "doublethink", "crimestop", and all that.

    Yep, most JWs are the same, my family included.

    One conversation I had with my father, A 'respected' elder, went something like this:

    Dad: ??.and we can be thankful for this proof of Jehovah, and his organization?
    Me: ? But Dad, there is no proof of God?
    Dad: ?Waddya mean! Oh cause there?s proof?
    Me: ?Where?
    Dad: ?In the trees and flowers and trees and shit like that? (okay I invented the shit like the bit)
    Me: ?No Dad, that faith not proof?
    Dad: ?Don?t ever talk like that?


    PS I?m still overwhelmed by people that had such a strange experience as me.

  • TheEdge

    ''He who asks a question is a fool for a minute, he who doesn't is a fool forever'' - Confucius

  • Alwayshere
    What I have issue with is, is it possible to have an " Apostate Question"?

    The Watchtower Society considers anyone that questions their teachings is an apostate. It doesn"t matter if the Society is wrong, they are still right.They never read anywhere that Jerusalem was desolated in 607. They just throw that out in front of you and your supposed to believe it.When you study the Daniel Book in April, notice on page 87where they give Daniel interpretating the dream about the tree. Daniel makes it clear the tree represents Nebuchadnezzar and his rulership is to the extremity of the earth. but notice the Society contridicts Daniel and says "rulership to the extremity of the earth represented by the great tree symbolizes Jehovah's universal sovereignty.Thats not Daniel's interpretation but Society's.The next paragrtaph Daniel says seven times would pass over HIS kingdom. It DOES NOT say seven times would pass over Jehovah's kingdom.But that is what the Society says on page 94, par. 24 and that is what you have to believe if you want to be part of that cult. .Now try to question this and you will be an apostate. Enjoy your study!

  • lisaBObeesa

    O.K. JW question that will NOT get you a JC: "Is there really enough evidence that there is a God?"

    APOSTATE question that WILL get you a JC: "Is there really enough evidence that Governing Body is the Faithful and Discrete Slave?"

  • Euphemism

    In my experience, upside/down is exactly correct.

    When I asked many of these so-called "apostate" questions, the assumption was made that I couldn't possibly have come up with such reasonings and profitless questions on my own therefore I must have been influenced by apostates.

    When I explained to a friend, as I was leaving, that I had actually found the problems with 1914, the Gentile Times, etc through my own research, she simply didn't believe me. Any argument that is used by 'apostates', no matter how logical, is inherently false by association. It's the ultimate ad hominem.

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