"No, it's not a hoax."

by Yadirf 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf

    I’m making a new thread out of this because some might not be aware of the other thread and fail to find out what has been discovered about this guy that posted yesterday, posing as a circuit overseer.

    Yes, although I don’t think he fooled anyone, there was this thread by a poster by the name of “Carlo” that was entitled “Visit my Circuit Overseer page”?
    He had said:

    Hello Brothers and Sisters

    I'm a circuitoverseer. You are welcome to visit my page at



    Soon Carlo said: “No, it's not a hoax. What makes you think it's a hoax?”

    TR had asked Carlo: “Has the Society approved the use of their art on your website?”

    Ladonna said: “Just wondering...this picture????? Why have you called these people "idiots"
    Click on properties and you will find that they are called "idiots". This seems strange coming from a CO.”

    Of course when one clicks on the said picture's properties, this is the URL that is displayed:
    http://home2.inet.tele.dk/carloc /billeder/idiots.jpg

    Note: I had to create a space in the middle of the URL (after "carloc") in order to prevent the picture from showing up.

    Well, what’s interesting is to see what happens when one discards all but http://home2.inet.tele.dk/carloc -- in other words deleting the /billeder/idiots.jpg -- where does that URL take one to? Bingo!!! Right to the Society’s publication entitled “PAY ATTENTION TO YOURSELVES AND TO ALL THE FLOCK”, that’s where!

    Now, here’s where the really funny part comes in … well, you can read it for yourself. I copied it off ole Carlo’s site which he invited everyone to visit:

    THE VERDICT IS IN! Almost all of the Anti-Jehovah's Witness organization have been completely quiet about the arrest and detention of the person in Denmark who posted on the "Yourselves and to All of the Flock", and the Society's other secret documents, in violation of international copyright laws. Despite the fact that the Internet site violating the copyright laws has been closed down and the owner arrested, other mirror Internet sites have taken over in keeping the copyrighted material on the Internet in defiance of established international copyrights laws thus giving the appearance that the site has not been closed down. It should not be at all amazing that all these antiJehovah's Witness organizations have tried to keep silent about the matter. It is embarrassing for them to acknowledge that the Danish Internet site was closed down by the Danish authorities BECAUSE THE SITE WAS IN VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAWS. This is a major legal victory for the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in protecting the rights to its intellectual property, because the infringement of an author's work will not be tolerated in the courts system. Religious organizations have as much right to protect it property rights the same way all citizens of this country and in the world have that right. There are legal ways to offer criticism of Watchtower organization and its publications. Anti-Jehovah's Witness organizations have those recourses available at their disposal at any time. THERE IS NO NEED TO VIOLATE THE LAW! BUT IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO COPY WHOLE PUBLICATIONS THAT ARE THE PROPERTY RIGHT OF ANY ORGANIZATION AND PUBLISH THEM IN HARDCOPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION OR POST THEM ON THE INTERNET. If one wants to criticize a publication or an organization one can quote the excerpt from such publication that they find offensive under guise of freedom of speech. Freedom of speech on the other hand does not allow a person to steal the property rights of a publisher or author. There has been a major ongoing debate between myself and those who participate on this board with regards to copyright laws and the copyright infringement of the Watchtower publication "Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock". The fact is that the Danish government recognized that the publication was indeed copyrighted and the "Pay Attention...." book was subject to the same protection under the international copyright laws as any other publication that was protected by such laws. The arrest and detention of the copyright infringer and the confiscation of his computer equipment has not the discontinued violation of the copyright of the "Pay Attention..." book on the Internet by others who have disdain for the laws of this country and that of the rest of the world. These are the same people who are behind a campaign of false information about Jehovah's Witnesses. They no only want to take liberty from the truth they also want to take liberty from the law. Caveat emptor, buyer beware, the law and the truth have no place on this board!

  • logical


    ALL they care about is their image. They use the law to the full effect when it suits them, ie copyright, and they DISCOURAGE enforcing the law when it doesnt suit them, ie paedophiles.

  • Scorpion

    Cry me a river friday.

    What campaign of false information about the JWs are you talking about? A great deal of what the WT has printed or prints is false. What is wrong with posting it and warning others?

  • larc



  • Yadirf


    Look, nuckle-head, the only reason I made the post is to further establish the fact that the guy really is a hoax and that he's not a real CO. Sheeeeeeesh! How dumb do scorpians get, anyway?


    Will you EVER wake up? You didn't get it either! You aren't even on planet Earth, much less somewhere in the ball park. Remember what I've told you several times before, Illogical? Roll over and go back to sleep, and if that fails PLAY DEAD. That way maybe nobody will notice you.


  • Yadirf




    You aren't very bright, you know that Larcboy? Just why, exactly, are you cheering on a dumb statement such as Logical made. He completely missed the point of the thread ... although it looks like he has plenty of company.

  • larc

    Well Friboy,

    I will just have to bow to your superior intellect, wisdom, and insight. You are truely the answer to my prayers. Praise the Lord!

    Why, oh, why, would anyone question the wisdom that is Fridaddy's.

    Have a good life, and get your sorry ass back to the Kingdom Hall where it belongs after 25+ years.

    Boy, you have been liven in sin and need a strong dose of repentance.

  • logical


    I dont think I did miss the point of the thread. He CAPITALISED a certain point MORE THAN ONCE:


    So I commented on the hypocritical nature of the WTS. Its not OK for people to violate the WTS but its OK for the WTS to violate women and children PHYSICALLY.

    Duh I must be dumb.

  • JanH

    Yadork copied (and seem to believe this is a true story):

    Almost all of the Anti-Jehovah's Witness organization have been completely quiet about the arrest and detention of the person in Denmark who posted on the "Yourselves and to All of the Flock", and the Society's other secret documents, in violation of international copyright laws. Despite the fact that the Internet site violating the copyright laws has been closed down and the owner arrested

    I happen to personally know the real stories behind this ridiculous rumour that JWs have propagated among themselves.

    But it can be humourous to see if any JWs who propagate this claim will dare to tell me exactly who was arrested and detained, and exactly what site was closed down.

    I do know that what you found on Carlo's site is a well-known rumour among JWs. It has been repeated in many different fora. But what can you expect from JWs, the official people of the lie?

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]

  • zev

    i personally looked at that site posted by carlo and tryed fridays trick and got the pay attention to you flock b.s. which i have already. all printed out and in a three ring binder

    whomever that is, by having that book on his site is a hypocrit.
    esp after you read all the crap he has on there about following the borgs direction and not posting certain material on the net, esp copyrited stuff. {sorry for the bad spelling, its early here.}

    if carlo really is a c.o. he falls into the mindset, mold, of most j.w.'s in power and control, don't do as i do, do as i say.


    wonder how many cover-ups he has participated in?

    The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.

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