Visit my Circuit Overseer page

by Carlo 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carlo

    Hello Brothers and Sisters

    I'm a circuitoverseer. You are welcome to visit my page at


  • LDH

    Thanks Carlo, I've seen your page before.

    You are welcome to visit with us.


  • mike047

    Lisa, Is this a hoax??

  • Carlo

    Hello Mike

    No, it's not a hoax. What makes you think it's a hoax?

    Visit my correspondence coloumn as well


  • TR



    Additionally, it has been found that the written review scheduled for the week of April 26, along with all the reference material, was placed on the Internet. Some have even posted content of books, such as Greatest Man, with all the scriptures and references printed out in full. While some may wiev this as a service to the brothers, it is not approved by the Society, and may even involve copyright violations.
    (bold mine)

    Has the Society approved the use of their art on your website?


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • TweetieBird

    Carlo, if you really are a circuit overseer, then please share your thoughts on what Silentlambs is trying to accomplish. Do you support what he is doing? Do you personally know William Bowen? How do you feel about the organization giving pedophiles a slap on the hand?

    P.S. BTW, If you truly are a circuit overseer, then you are going against the Society by posting on an "apostate" site.

  • mike047

    HI, I would not expect to see a "REAL" CO to post on a board and not hide his identity. To have a "REAL" webpage made it even more unbelievable. Aren't all of us on the net demons(tic)? Bad associations?

  • Anchor

    Please read the following brief paragraph carefully:

    "Once again, the ruling ecclesiastical class suppressed efforts to make God’s Word available to their flock. They violently silenced a voice that pointed to some of the errors of their non-Biblical beliefs. They proved to be among the worst enemies of religious freedom and truth. Sadly, this is a stance that in various ways survives even to our day."

    Know where it’s from? The Watchtower, February 15, 2000, pp. 26-29. It’s the conclusion to the article on Cyril Lucaris, "A Man Who Valued the Bible." Lucaris was the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople, the head of the Orthodox Church in the 17th century, who was deeply concerned about deplorable spiritual conditions. He was ultimately strangled for his attempts "to enlighten and uplift the educational level of his clergy and flock."

    The second article of his "Confession" declares that the Scriptures are inspired by God and that their authority exceeds that of the church. In other articles he maintained Christ is the sole Mediator and Head of the congregation.

    After his death a synod declared his thoughts heresy, declaring that the Scriptures "should be read, not by just anyone, but only by the ones peering into the deep things of the spirit after having done appropriate research"!

    Reflect on the quality of thought which authored that powerful paragraph quoted above. Is there a take-home message?

    Among Jehovah’s Witnesses, who is the ecclesiastical class today? Who are the final authority in telling you what the Scriptures actually mean? Who would almost literally strangle someone who disagrees with their infallibility?

    Acccording to the Watchtower, "Lucaris made commendable efforts to have the Bible be the authority on church doctrine and to educate people about its teachings." They note his dream was not realized of seeing the Church return to "evangelical simplicity."

    Ironic that those who need to learn the lesson of Lucaris will heed it least.

    Should you care to revisit the article, think of the battered men whom you know outside—and still inside—who want the Word to be the final authority.

    Have you any answer to this, Brother Carlo? Are you a trial balloon?

    We're all watching for your scriptural and thoughtful reply, otherwise you will have absolutely no credibility on this board, and there will be no motivation to visit your site.


  • zev

    pardon me...

    while i go and pray...


    The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hello all:

    Anchor made some valid points technical points needing to be addressed.

    I don't usually nitpick at someone's scholastic abilities but when one presents info in a form that appears to be from the WTS itself, and "murders" the spelling of the content, I will bring them to task on this. Whenever the WTS itself sends any correspondence to the congregations, their grammar and spelling are impeccable...nary an error to be found.

    This letter, is supposedly from the Headquarters, but is full of spelling errors that jump out and sound like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.


    Dear Brothers:

    The Society has published a number of articles showing both the benefits and the dangers involved in use of the Internet. As most of you propably know, some individuals find delight in compiling information in order to forward it to others, who may or may not appreciate it. (Eccl. 12:12, Acts 17:21) When one has acquired knowledge of something, that does not necessarely mean that it should be distributed in a general sense. (Prov. 21:23) However, it appears that some brothers, in their eagerness to be a sourceof news and render what they may feel as a service to others, have not used good judgement in this matter.

    For example, the Society recently sent out changes of assignment for traveling overseers in The United States. It has since been observed that someone compiled a list of circuit changes and put it on the Internet. Why was this done? No one, apart from the Society, really needs that information. If the Society had wanted everyone inside and outside the organisation to have access to that information it would have been publised. Such a list made public may prove a disservice to many of our brothers.

    Additionally, it has been found that the written review scheduled for the week of April 26, along with all the reference material, was placed on the Internet. Some have even posted content of books, such as Greatest Man, with all the scriptures and references printed out in full. While some may wiev this as a service to the brothers, it is not approved by the Society, and may even involve copyright violations.

    Selectivity, self-control and good judgement must be exercised by those who make use of the moderne technology and the glut of information, both good and bad, that is available to people today. Especially should we as Jehovah's Witnesses be alert to make good use of our time and not be neglecting our commision to preach the good news. Eph 5:15-17.

    Please accept our warm love and best wishes.

    Your brothers
    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
    Of New York, inc

    I can't be bothered to pursue to find any validity when the credibility is lost. Don't present something as authentic if you created yourself.

    I've "Had Enough" garbage in my life already...don't need more.

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