Is it possible to go back after you are an Apostate?

by lv4fer 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • lv4fer

    Not that I ever would. How would you go back? Go to the Elders and say I repent and know I'm was wrong. I want to work towards getting reinstated? Then they would make you go to meetings for 6 months maybe a year with noone saying jack to you and once you've shown that you are sincere they reinstate you. Or is it that once you are an Apostate that is it for you no coming back?

  • 95stormfront

    I'm never going back !!!!!!

  • minimus

    No REAL apostate CAN come back. Just impossible once you've been exposed to the real "truth".

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    What sort of lame apostate ...

    would tuck his forked tail between his legs ...

    and grovel to be a slave again?

  • stillajwexelder

    and even if an "apostate " did try and get back it would be so difficult - the elders would make you have a study - they would watch you carefully forever, have somebody accompany you on the doors. It would be ages before you would be allowed on the Theocratic Ministry School - I bet the CO would be involved and Brooklyn - very difficult indeed and who after having tasted apostasy and seen that it is good would want to go back to that kind of control and humiliation? Because that is what it would be - humiliating

  • cindykp

    They would have to prove your an apostate first. If you ever felt like going back, I dont believe you were a true apostate to begin with.

    Just my thought anyway


  • lv4fer

    I would never go back. The thought of going to a meeting makes me physically ill. I was talking to person at work about being an XJW and they asked me if I could join up again. I said it's not that easy and I wasn't sure if they would ever let me back in again and that It would take a lot of ass kissing on my part. I was just curious does anyone know an apostate that went back?

  • Valis

    Not and live with myself. We all do things for other people like jimbob going back for a memorial, but purposefully going back there and "worshipping"? No freaking way. My momma didn't raise a fool...


    District Overbeer

  • Swan

    Isn't that the only thing they say God doesn't forgive? Isn't there some sort of scripture about the man of lawlessness or something? Or is that the one about sinning against the Holy Spirit? I forget, since it has been so long. Anyway, they consider a rejection of the Watchtower the same as a rejection of God, so they wouldn't let a known apostate back in. Can you imagine them reinstating Ray Franz or Bill Bowen?


  • hillbilly

    Seems like we had an "apostate" fella come back when I lived in Memphis.... they sorta treat him like the Apostle Paul nowdays. He was prominent and subbed for the CO now and then

    If you eat enough BOE poop and grovel enough they will forgive anything. Numbers are numbers you know!


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