Hypocrite Elder Gets Df'd

by Dragonlady76 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    sunspot ... you've posed two questions that have absolutely nothing to do with this topic.

    homunculus ... yes ... I see your point.

  • Sunspot
    sunspot ... you've posed two questions that have absolutely nothing to do with this topic .~


    I'll start a new one, Afin. WHAT will be your excuse then?

  • upside/down

    "hypocrite elder" is that a double negative therefore a positive? Or is it just redundant?


  • FairMind
    He hides he wants to look at porn, and since when is this grounds for a DIVORCE???? I thought only adultry was grounds for divorce, if it's on the screen how is it possible for his wife to get a "scriptural" divorce?

    This is interesting and there must be more to this than brought out since she remarried. My original thought on the advice to divorce was that they meant a legal divorce with the scriptural right to marry another not an option. When my first wife divorced me (on unscriptural grounds) I know she had the tacit approval of our PO. This is (imoho) more common than one might think.

  • kilroy2

    I dont love jah, I dont hate what does not exist, god is only make believe, but I would like to do some research on the porn sites that the elder was on, just for the articles.

  • Sweetp0985

    Ok don't ban me after I say this but, I actually grew up in the congregation of a pretty nice elder. He never really did any hypocritical things that I know of (behind closed doors maybe) but never really heard anything bad about him EXCEPT for the fact that

    1. His oldest son married a dub sister and very shortly after that the son got df'd...Don't know for what but (just an assumption) I know son and wifey lost alot of weight quickly (stapled stomach) and he probably became more handsome in other people's eyes besides his wife so he started playing the field...

    2. Daughter was reproved (not sure if public or private) right before her marriage to dub brother /my assumption is that it probably was for playing hanky panky before marriage.

    3. Youngest son robbed a bank and is now doing some time for it. Oh yeah he's df'd too.

    But this elder was always a close friend of the family (probably why i still liked him until recently) and I was around his family and spent the night at his house alot. But like I mentioned until recently when he made a few comments I didn't appreciate. When my dad was trying to "strongly" encourage me to come back to the KH this elder and another elder had a brief meeting with me to see "where my head was" i guess....and when i told him I pray to God all the time he asked me, "What God is that?" and I looked at him real stupidly and he said, " I'm not being sarcastic, but so many "worldly" people pray to false gods." and he also got a shock when he tried to use the "JW's are the ONLY ones that go door-to-door" and I told him my church goes street witnessing also.....

    But even tho he's trapped in the dub world, I still think he's a pretty ok dude.

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