So Confused

by troubled 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled


    I've been a JW for 15 years, have pioneered, been where the need is great, etc. Up until a couple of years ago, I was considered strong in the Truth. But then I had my first and only episode of major depression. I got very ill and generally withdrew alot from people. (Not because I felt bad toward them, but bad about myself.)

    Through all this, I continued going to meetings and in the ministry, though not quite as often, and comment much less. Two friends in the congregation keep tabs on me. But even after 2+ years of struggling, the vast majority in the congregation act totally unaware of my situation. I get along with them all, but during the time I've struggled, 98 percent have never made a phone call or sent a card (or even verbally acknowledged there's a problem and asked if they could do anything to help). I know I haven't made it very easy, since my depression has made me more introverted and quiet. But still, it hurts. People would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to realize something's wrong by now. I mean, I've lost tons of weight and hardly ever comment anymore.

    I know the friends are very busy with their own lives and aren't intentionally being unkind. But I can't understand why they spend so much time trying to help people in the door to door work, but let longtime JW's in the congregation struggle and fall through the cracks? My husband is also a JW, struggles with depression, and feels discouraged about the lack of concern/help from friends at the Hall. And we aren't the only ones struggling. I see many of the friends struggling as well (in their own private worlds of pain).

    Up until now, I've tried to be understanding about the lack of support at the Hall. I know the friends are busy with their own lives, families, service, etc. And I myself have not always been there when someone else was struggling. But 2-1/2 years is a long time to struggle. The longer my husband and I struggle, without help, the harder it is for me to keep making excuses. After all, our identifying mark is supposed to be our love among ourselves.

    Until recently, the Society has discouraged us from going to psychologists or counselors. But when I talked to the elders about my depression, they didn't know what to do, saying they weren't therapists or specialists. At first, I tried natural remedies for depression, but they didn't get rid of it. And since I felt so ill and even like, at times, I would "lose my marbles" without help, I decided to enter counseling with a professional. My husband also suffers from depression and has starting seeing a counselor.

    When I entered therapy, I thought my issues were not spiritual in nature. However, what scares me is that I'm starting to realize that part of my depression problem IS tied in with the Truth. What I mean is that after reading some of the Society's articles or listening to some of the talks at the Hall, I go away feeling depressed, guilty, anxious, etc. Like I'm not measuring up. And after reading the "Propaganda" article in the Awake, I could clearly see how the Society uses many of these same techniques to influence our decisions and choices. And this pressure might be adding to my mental/emotional problems. (Or maybe it's just that I'm taking the information the wrong way?)

    I'm starting to have some serious questions and doubts that I used to shove down. Aside from one close friend at the Hall, I can't share these doubts with anyone without being viewed as apostate or spiritually weak. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    I don't really want to talk to my counselor about these spiritual issues because I don't want to bring dishonor to God's organization or be disloyal to Jehovah. And I feel guilty posting here too. I've never done anything like this before.

    I want to do what's right, but I'm so confused. I keep wondering if it's just the depression that's making me think this way? I mean, up until 2 years ago, I was very happy in the Truth.

    I really want to do the right thing. I'm just not sure what it is! I haven't shared my grave concerns with my husband, and he doesn't know I'm posting here. He is already considering leaving the organization himself, and I don't want to add to his disillusionment or influence his decision either way.

    At present, my husband and I are still active, attend some meetings, go in service a few hours a month, etc. But we know we're spiritually going down the tubes. I feel bad about my doubts and for seeking help this way, but I don't know what else to do. I don't want to do anything to displease God. But I'm so confused and feel I'm running out of options.

    If anyone has any advice for me, I'd be happy to consider it. And thank you for reading my message. I didn't mean to make it so lengthy.

  • anon

    I empathize with your situation. I have been in similar situations. If you would like to discuss further, please e-mail me. I am an active JW.

  • DCs Ghost
    DCs Ghost


    what triggered it??
    i read that therapy helped you face the source of the depression, my question though is
    what changed inside of you or in your surroundings to set off your depression, 2 years ago???personal experience, event at the hall, etc. . .

    i ask this assuming that you did not suffer from depression prior to this episode, and taking into consideration that your depressed state has grown stronger because the lack of support and caring in your congregation.

    i have lived with depression for many years so i can relate to the feelings if you want to chat. . .


  • julien

    It seems like talking to a counsellor or psychologist would be a great idea. I don't think it would reflect badly on JWs at all.. After all they are regular people who sometimes experience depression just like anyone else. There could also be physiological causes for your depression, have you spoken to your regular doctor about it?

  • uncle_onion

    Dear sister

    Do Whatever you have to do to get your self well again.E mail me please if I can be of any help.

    Uncle onion

  • Seeker


    First of all, welcome! You will find much of value for you here, and you are very welcome here.

    Some random thoughts about what you said:

    1. It is important to get to the bottom of the causes of your depression. Have you checked medical causes? Therapy is important if there is not a physical cause. Don't let anyone scare you away from the help you need, whatever it is. Your elders already told you the truth: they are not trained to help you with this particular problem.

    2. Don't be afraid to talk to your counselors about what is troubling you. There is little you can say they haven't already heard before. They know about religious systems in general, and JWs in particular, and how these systems can impact a persons outlook.

    3. You certainly aren't alone! Many, many JWs suffer from depression, as even articles from the Society attest.

    4. You have correctly identified one potential problem: The material from the Society continually sends the message that you aren't doing enough, or the quality of what you are doing is not good enough. This is the last thing you need to hear now!

    5. This site is a great place to talk things out and get a listening ear. You can do so with anonymity. You can do so as you have a need. Please feel free to talk about your needs, and let those of us who know what you are going through help.

    We're glad to have you here.

  • JT

    welcome to the site

    you said

    But I can't understand why they spend so much time trying to help people in the door to door work, but let longtime JW's in the congregation struggle and fall through the cracks? My husband is also a JW, struggles with depression, and feels discouraged about the lack of concern/help from friends at the Hall. And we aren't the only ones struggling. I see many of the friends struggling as well (in their own private worlds of pain).

    ####when i was an elder i use to make a point to say the exact same thing that while we are so busy trying to bring folks thru the front door we fail to see our bro or sis sittinb beside us is falling out the back door-

    it is in my view due to the structure of wt- consider the schedule

    the org makes sure that you have NO DOWNTIME a not for yourself, family or friends- they make sure that you always feel you have never done enough- in the song book they have a song call DO MORE DO MORE

    kinda reminds you of the jew who were told to make brick without straw

    i had a friend who went to see dr- she asked him to give her his typical week-it went like this

    1. i study on monday night for the tuesday meeting
    2. i go to the tue meeting
    3. on wed i study for the thursday meeting
    4. on thursday i go to the meeting
    5. on friday i pratice and rehearse my presentation and wt literature reading aka (personal study - got to read all those mags stacking up)

    6 go out in service- do my little runing around grocery shopping etc and then study for sunday wt study

    7. go to meeting and out in service

    so she asked him how often he does this schedule and he told her EVERYWEEK FOR THE LAST 22YRS

    so she asked him do you have any hobbies or belong to any civic groups
    he told her no and he didn't have time

    at that point she stopped and point blank told him that his lifestyle as a jw was affecting him

    she said YOU HAVE NO LIFE

    and this feeling is shared by millions "I just can't do enough"

    i can't keep up" they make you feel worthless

    well you have come to the right place for we all share the same feelings that you have expressed and we are free to talk about it here

    email me please

    there is a thread on how the wt make you and i feel worthless

    i will post it later

    but pleeas email me

    [email protected]


  • BoozeRunner

    Hi Troubled,
    Welcome to the board, we are glad to have you.
    Sorry to hear of your turmoil. Dont feel that you will dishonor Jehovah by seeking therapy from a professional. Jehovah desires you to be happy. As you stated, the elders correctly told you that they are not qualified to help you in this area. After all, you wouldnt hire a plumber to fix an electrical problem.
    Also, since you are feeling that your problems are of a spiritual nature(doubts and all), speaking to your elders at this time may NOT be a wise thing, as you correctly stated,
    "I cant share these doubts with anyone without being viewed as an apostate or spiritually weak."
    A good counselor will help you face your "demons"(psychobabble for "what ails ya"-not evil spirit creatures) without the guilt you are feeling, and will let YOU decide what to do with it.

    I wish you sucess and a speedy recovery. I hope I have been of help to you.


  • troubled

    To Everyone Who Responded,

    Thank you so very much!

    To answer your questions briefly:

    Yes, I've had a medical exam. No problem there.

    Initially, my depression came on as a result of being criticized by my parents (non-Witnesses) for my life decisions. And also a misunderstanding with a friend who was a mother figure to me. So I was feeling abandoned and like a failure. I also had childhood abuse issues I hadn't dealt with, as well as a controlling/passive marital relationship.

    My husband and I have been working on our relationship, and it is improving some. I've also resolved the problem with my friend. We're addressing the abuse issue in therapy. My folks and I have a superficially pleasant relationship, though they make it clear they disapprove.

    The fact that the friends have withdrawn from me since the depression is probably fueling my abandonment issues. But I know that, ultimately, it's my own responsibility to confront this stuff and get better. It's just so overwhelming at times! And now that I realize that the Truth is also a piece of the puzzle, it's scary. I'm starting to see some things that I know aren't right in the organization. I'm trying not to see it. My life has been disrupted enough lately, and I don't know if I could take much more disruption.

    What scares me the most is this: what if I find out that the Truth, this foundation I've built my last 15 years on, isn't what I thought it was? My whole life would be uprooted. I don't know if I could handle that, or where would I go from there.
    Sometimes, I wish I had never become depressed. Life was simpler then, black and white. I never really got upset, and nothing ever bothered me. At least, it didn't seem to. But maybe I wasn't living in reality.

  • BoozeRunner


    "But maybe I wasnt living in reality."

    Reality is scary, isnt it? Real life problems need real life solutions, not "go away" cliches we learned through the years.

    You are already on your way.:-)

    Boozy, who has felt the pain of depression, abandonment, abuse and more.

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