Need prayers for my sister...she just got DF'd

by FreedomFrog 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • FreedomFrog

    It's hard to thank everyone individually. But each one of you are VERY appreciated. Thanks for the support.

    So for all of you .... THANK YOU!

  • Jez

    Don't let her go alone! Go with her, just show up with her, do not give them the satisfaction of letting them know beforehand. Tell them that you are there for support, both mentally and emotionally. If they disagree, threaten them with legal action re: discrimination.

    My boyfriend came with me to my JC meeting, and they did not squabble, so it CAN be done.

    Please don't let her go alone.


  • FreedomFrog

    Actually Jez...that's a good idea. I have some time to think this through. But wouldn't it be interesting to be DF'd because of supporting my sister. Wouldn't it be MORE interesting if she didn't get DF'd and I did for helping. Let me discuss this with AA.

    Oh...I can see some fun to be had here and at the same time doing a good deed. (heehee)

  • AlmostAtheist

    Update: Gina's sister and her husband both appealed the decision. Basic facts: They celebrated Christmas last year, her parents told her she should go to the elders, so she did. They counseled her, but let it go. She did it again this year, but threw the artificial tree away of her own accord afterwards, and voluntarily told the elders about it. She said she was sorry, read the scripture to them about godly sadness versus worldly sadness, really expressed repentance. She has a learning disability, there was ample room for giving her some space on this one. They decided to DF her. Gina and I told her about her appeal options, so she and her hubby appealed.

    Today they met with the appeal committee and they decided to let the DF'ing stand. Bastards.

    Her hubby's still convinced it's the truth, I think she's pretty convinced that it isn't. It's going to be a fun next few months for them.

    Oh yeah, and she's pregnant. (Why not toss a few hormones into the mix, too, eh?)

    Though she won't visit for coffee or come see the kids at her house, at least her mom has agreed to still have some communication with her, and to still help her with the kids. (She often babysits for doctor visits, stuff like that.)


  • talesin

    Gosh, I am not a religious person per se, but am lighting a candle and sending these folks some healing energy. I hope that is okay.

    It is an inhuman thing that the society is doing to this family. I am so sorry.


  • Scully


    Amazing... they DFed her because she didn't understand why JWs think Christmas is wrong???

    That is messed up!

    What's even MORE messed up is that they allowed her to get baptized despite her not understanding why JWs think Christmas is wrong.


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