Does the Governing Body Have Any Real Friends They Can Trust Now?

by frankiespeakin 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • lilybird

    Over 20 years ago, when my husband and I were still practising JW's , my husband and another brother friend went to help build our new assemby hall here in the Toronto area. The day they were there, members of the governing body came to visit the building work and see its progress. My husband and this brother were shocked to see them drive up in an expensive new car and wearing expensive looking suits. This is a little off topic, but I think it shows how they are profiting from the contributions of the little guys.They make a nice life based on lying to the masses. :)

  • metatron

    Before I left, an elder asked me if I didn't believe the wonderful lifestories of faithful brothers in the Watchtower.

    In a word, no.

    Farkel once put together a masterful piece about old Art Worsley. His life story was santitized to permit his continued

    habitation at Bethel. You quickly learn about self censoring there. Some of these guys live at the bottom of the barrel,

    as the lowest of the low. You're 70 years old with no health care or pension or job prospects or grandchildren or savings

    or real friends. Much of your view of the outside world is fashioned by the pages of the Awake magazine - bleak, hopeless

    amidst doom n' gloom.

    You do what you're told by guys a quarter of your age and live in quiet fear.

    That's my impression of many old timers who've lived at Bethel.


  • frankiespeakin

    I'm thinking the GB is up to thier necks in deep deep do-do.

  • Mary

    I would think with all that the Governing Body is faced with that they must feel some form of isolation even at Bethel. They must worry all the time that soon thier little world will come crashing down especially with the brutal exposer the internet is providing.
    Yes, the nasty old internet.....definitely a "tool of Satan de Debbil" for helping to expose all the bullshit this Organization has been dishing out for the last 120 years. I think these guys are just praying that they kick the bucket and "receive their just rewards" in hell in heaven before it all comes out in the open. Had the Ray Franz incident happened now, instead of 25 years ago, it most certainly would have caused A LOT more damage than what it did then.

    I'm also sure that they wonder who will be the next to turn states evidence against them in some legal case they face now or in the furture.
    God only knows what's going on there behind closed doors. We're shocked and disgusted at what WE know----can you imagine all the crap that must be going on right now that we don't know about??

    With all the very clear information on the internet exposing the Governing Body that soon some higher up will get deprogramed that have been privy to some very damaging information perhaps from the accounting or the legal department that could send thier asses to jail.
    We can only hope.
    They must feel very lonely and worried at all they see disintergating before thier eyes.
    Good. They're the reason everything is falling apart---they've got no one to blame but themselves.

  • frankiespeakin
  • badboy

    One must wonder who is/isn't a traitor.

  • TheEdge

    Exactly Badboy - and if Faith is lacking (ie, trusting in Jehovah to keep the Organisation ''clean''), then paranoia will surely take its place.

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