I am getting that Crisis of Conscience book

by inquirer 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • inquirer

    ko38, under74. I have said sorry too many times now. But Jesus said it was alright. Anyway. I guess when you talk about The Witnesses (and associated topics) sometimes it makes some people (like me) hot under the colar.

    I reckon all 3 of us had good intentions! :) Maybe it was a typo on my part. Most people come from the US (on this site and the Internet in general), so I can see how I can be misunderstood... etc etc.

  • inquirer

    MungoBaobab --

    Franz raises some interesting issues in the book, but take everything he says with a grain of salt. He comes off as a little self-centered. For example, he makes statements to the contrary, but to me he seemed to take little responsibility for Witness beliefs and practices even though he sat on the Governing Body for years. Look for a passage in which he criticizes himself, because I doubt you'll find one. Then he blasts the Governing Body for never admitting their mistakes. He seeks sympathy from the reader and sought sympathy from the Governing Body when he was being disfellowshipped after decades of service to God (and the Organization), yet rather harshly states that his uncle's decades of service will mean nothing to God when he faces judgement. That's blatant hypocrisy, and I feel it damages his credibility. Nevertheless, I do highly recommend the book; it contains a treasure trove of information from a unique source. Still, I wouldn't read In Search of Christian Freedom.

    inquirer -- I'll keep that in mind! :) But I read heaps of amazon.com reviews, and the vast majority said some very supportive and positive things about this book.

  • inquirer

    FairMind --

    Hello Inquirer! Some Good Books to read besides COC are:

    1. Apocalypse Delayed James Penton

    2. Captives of a Concept Don Cameron

    3. Awakening of a Jehovah?s Witness Diane Wilson

    4. In Search of Christian Ray Franz

    I understand that you are looking for a critical analysis or perhaps other type insight into Jehovah?s Witnesses, not the Bible.


    Maybe I'll look dumb if I say this (and I wish I had more motivation regardting this) I am not a very good reader of books... I read them slow... However, this is non-fiction and I do find non-fiction easy to read.... so yeah I'll keep them in mind. :)

  • inquirer

    Thanks for your help you people! Sounds like a flaming good book to me! Yeah, he's not perfect, but the main message in this thread is that Raymond opens up ya eyes. :)

    But for goodness sake! He left the org AGES AGO!!!!! Why did he take this flipping long to write this book!!! I WAS SHOCKED TO FIND OUT HE ONLY WROTE IT A FEW YEARS AGO!!!

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