i get Df'D today

by NoAnswers 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • NoAnswers

    Hey guys this is my first post just wanted to say i get DF`d today .

    Its a Bummer ......the 16 th i had my judicial commite.

    If anyone can give me some good vibe il apreciate it.... i been shunned my all my fam...

    Thank God i have my wife to support me (DF`d also )

    hope to hear from you

  • freedom96


    Welcome to the board.

    You will find many similar experiences, and people who care here.

    I firmly believe the WTS promotes by their actions the destruction of friends and families if one does not abide by their strict man made rules.

    Best wishes!

  • candidlynuts

    hi no answers.welcome. i'm not df'd but i'm shunned by my oldest c hild anyway. it hurts .

    all you can do is be ok with your own decisions. hugs to you and your wife.

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    Welcome NoAnswers...

    I'm not a JW and cannot possibly understand what you're going through, but stick around here and you'll get lots of support. What they do to families is a crime, be better and live your life the way you want to live it. Good Luck!


  • kls

    Welcome and congratulations

  • NoAnswers

    sorry guys i posted the same think thanks

  • NoAnswers

    thing * i feel crummy

  • HappyDad

    Hey guy.....................

    Stick around here for awhile and get yourself better. We all have a story with every emotion you can think of. You're in good company here and we are supportive. Thankfully........you have a wife who shares your feelings.

    Good vibes to you.


  • Tashawaa

    Hi! and Welcome!!!

    I don't know what you're experiencing emotionally, but I remember my committee (joke of a) meeting. When they asked me to sit outside the little room, while they decided my fate - it took all of 5 min to determine I had a bad heart - I sat in the Kingdom Hall, looked around, and told myself I'd never step foot in one again. I said goodbye to it, and that way of life, and the control.... and my family.

    Its been over 3 years now. I have a sister out, some support. You have your wife, which is wonderful, but you may have to cope, as many of us do, with the loss of our extended family. I haven't spoken to my father, grandparents, brother, uncle, cousins, life-long-friends, etc.

    But you'll do as we all have. You'll make friends outside the org. You'll really enjoy life without the guilt and pressures. You'll be free.

    Stick around and enjoy the board. Lots of experiences here, and many posters are at different stages of coping with being "out".

  • NoAnswers

    thanks happy il need all the support

    im going to go to the announcement just to see peoples faces

    il b back tomarrow thanks guys

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